Karluv most

Charles' bridge

Staromestska mostecka vez Karlova mostu. Karel IV. ji zalozil jako svuj vitezny oblouk r. 1357, 9. cervence (tj. 9. den, 7. mesic) v 5 hodin 31 minut na miste, odkud je o letnim slunovratu videt zapad Slunce nad hrobem slunovratoveho svetce sv. Vita. Socharska vyzdoba veze znazornuje volbou zobrazenych postav i ciselnou symbolikou stredoveky kosmologicky obraz sveta: v nejvyssi casti sfera hvezd, pod ni sfera Slunce, dale Mesice a nejnize pozemsky svet.
The Old Town gate of Charles' bridge founded by emperor Charles the IVth in 1357, the 9th of July (i.e. the 9th day of the 7th month) 5:31 as his triumphal arc is decorated by contemporary cosmological model of the Universe: from the top to the bottom there are symbols of the spheres of stars, the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.

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Mail to had(at)sunstel.asu.cas.cz, for additional informations.
Revised 22. 9. 2008