Prochazka astronomickou Prahou
Virtual walk in astronomical Prague

Tato stranka je pripominkou skvelych prochazek za astronomickymi
pamatkami Prahy, ktere poradal vynikajici historik astronomie, dr.
Zdenek Horsky.
This web-page is to remind the exciting tours guided by
the outstanding historian of astronomy Dr. Zdenek Horsky.
See here for
fate of science in Prague
-- please, support the Academy of Sciences!
Orloj (astronomical clock)
Klementinum (Clementimum)
Karluv most (Charles' bridge)
Kepleruv dum (Kepler's house)
Narodni technicke museum (Technical museum)
Prazsky polednik (Prague meridian)
Valdstejnsky palac (Wallenstein palace)
Pamatnik Tychona a Keplera (Brahe's and Kepler's memorial)
Dum Bernarda Bolzana (Bernard Bolzano's house)
Karolinum (Carolinum)
Vaclavova kolej (Wenceslas' college)
Ceske vysoke uceni technicke (Czech polytechnic)
Dum Jana Marka Marciho (Jan Marek Marci's house)
For a short history of physics in Prague see the following
This page ( has been
created by Petr Hadrava,
Mail to,
for additional information.
Revised 3. 8. 2009
times since May 2007