Leonids 2000 from the Ondrejov backscatter
Ondrejov Observatory, Czech republic, Central Europe

red line: Nov 18, 2000 activity.
Two peaks of the activity of meteors were observed
last night. Both peaks were different in comparision with the previous
night activity. Radar detected the meteors with bright and long duration
Detailed minutes rates shows that the first peak
occured at 3:38 UT and the second peak at 7:45 UT.
In the time interval between 7:41 and 8:20 UT
were detected 7 peaks with similar rates.
white line: foreground Nov 15, 2000
x-axis: time in UT
y-axis: mean hourly meteor echo rates, without any correction.

yellow line: Nov 17, 2000 activity.
The main peak consists of two local peaks at the
times 8:02 UT and 8:15 UT, which are almost equal.
The following processing will show the true maximum
of activity.
Most of the observed meteors were very faint -
approx. from +9 to +7 mag.
green line: foreground Nov 15, 2000
red line: foreground Nov 16, 2000
x-axis: time in UT
y-axis: 10 minutes meteor echo rates, without any correction.

white line: foreground before shower activity (instrumental profile) =
average of Nov 14/15 and Nov 16/17
red line: 17/18 Nov 1999, maximum at 2:08 UT (from operator's records)
green line: no activity Nov 18/19 (background)
x-axis: time in UT
y-axis: hourly meteor echo rates, not corrected for sensitivity change.
Observer: Petr
WWW: Pavel Koten
Updated: 18 Nov 2000, 14:00 UT