Next: 1999 TY2
Up: Fast Rotating Asteroids 1999 TY2, SF10, WB2
Previous: Lightcurve observations of fast
The lightcurve observations presented in this paper were made from three stations. A summary of instrumentation and observers is given in Table I. Catalina Station and Hawaii observations were taken while tracking on the object's motion, while the Ondrejov telescope was tracked on the sidereal rate. Images were calibrated with bias and flat field frames. Due to the poor seeing of the Catalina Station observations, a synthetic aperture radius of 8 arc seconds was used for their photometry. The Ondrejov data were reduced with a 14" square aperture.
The observational circumstances are given in Table II. The data in the table are given to the tenth of a day nearest to the midtime of the observational interval. The times of observations were originally recorded in seconds, and have been corrected for light-travel time before analysis. The asteroids' geocentric right ascension and declination, ecliptic coordinates (all for the equinox J2000), the heliocentric (r) and geocentric (
) distances, the solar phase angle (
), and the observatory number are given in Table I. Also included are integration time, filter, and the mean magnitude error of each set of observations. Details on the observations are given in the following sections.
Next: 1999 TY2
Up: Fast Rotating Asteroids 1999 TY2, SF10, WB2
Previous: Lightcurve observations of fast