Ondψejov NEO Photometric Program -- News
Year 2015 Summary
- Dec 25 In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, no asteroid discovered at Ondrejov was numbered. We have published there 141 positions of 18 asteroids.
- Dec 25 During the lunation from Nov 25 to Dec 25 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (2897) Ole Romer, (2972) Niilo (period confirmed), (26471) 2000 AS152 and (163696) 2003 EB50 (slow rotator).
- Nov 25 In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, no asteroid discovered at Ondrejov was numbered.
- Nov 25 During the lunation from Oct 27 to Nov 25 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (2468) Repin, (10321) Rampo and (14806) 1981 EV25 (paired asteroid).
- Oct 27 In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, no asteroid discovered at Ondrejov was numbered. We have published there 103 positions of 7 asteroids.
- Oct 27 During the lunation from Sep 28 to Oct 27 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (3873) Roddy (returning binary), (31450) 1999 CU9 (new binary, attenuations detected), (44620) 1999 RS43 (returning binary, attenuations detected) and (52852) 1998 RB75.
- Sep 28 In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, no asteroid discovered at Ondrejov was numbered. We have published there 67 positions of 5 asteroids.
- Sep 28 During the lunation from Aug 29 to Sep 28 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (4666) Dietz, (9783) Tensho-kan (paired asteroid), (31450) 1999 CU9 (period derived) and (60744) 2000 GB93 (paired asteroid).
- Aug 29 In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, no asteroid discovered at Ondrejov was numbered. We have published there 202 positions of 10 asteroids.
- Aug 29 During the lunation from Jul 31 to Aug 29 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (7822) 1991 CS, (54041) 2000 GQ113 (paired asteroid) and (385186) 1994 AW1 (returning binary, attenuations detected).
- Jul 31 During the lunation from Jul 02 to Jul 31 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (3487) Edgeworth, (13284) 1998 QB52, (13290) 1998 QN75 (period derived) and (24870) 1996 FJ1 (period derived).
- Jul 02 In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, no asteroid discovered at Ondrejov was numbered. We have published there 6 positions of 1 asteroid.
- Jul 02 During the lunation from Jun 02 to Jul 02 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (24870) 1996 FJ1.
- Jun 02 In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, no asteroid discovered at Ondrejov was numbered. We have published there 257 positions of 31 asteroids.
- Jun 02 During the lunation from May 04 to Jun 02 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (4149) Harrison, (4514) Vilen (new binary, attenuations detected), (11677) 1998 DY4 (paired asteroid) and (48864) 1998 HK43 (period derived).
- May 06 During the lunation from Apr 04 to May 04 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (1492) Oppolzer (period derived), (4514) Vilen, (4541) Mizuno (new binary, attenuations detected), (5478) Wartburg (paired asteroid, period derived), (5481) Kiuchi (returning binary, attenuations detected), (6438) Suarez (period derived), (10060) Amymilne, (11677) 1998 DY4 (paired asteroid, period derived) and (23112) 2000 AG3.
- Apr 04 In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, no asteroid discovered at Ondrejov was numbered. We have published there 50 positions of 9 asteroids.
- Apr 04 During the lunation from Mar 05 to Apr 04 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (832) Karin, (1914) Hartbeespoortdam, (3105) Stumpff, (4541) Mizuno, (5478) Wartburg (paired asteroid), (5481) Kiuchi (returning binary, attenuations detected), (6027) 1993 SS2 and (12877) 1998 QF11.
- Mar 05 In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, no asteroid discovered at Ondrejov was numbered. We have published there 14 positions of 3 asteroids.
- Mar 05 During the lunation from Feb 03 to Mar 05 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (4541) Mizuno, (4905) Hiromi, (5478) Wartburg (paired asteroid, period derived), (13123) Tyson (period derived), (16815) 1997 UA9 (paired asteroid), (16831) 1997 WM21 (period derived) and (19695) 1999 RP234 (period derived).
- Feb 03 In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, 2 asteroids discovered at Ondrejov were numbered. We have published there 27 positions of 4 asteroids.
- Feb 03 During the lunation from Jan 05 to Feb 03 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (6502) 1993 XR1 (binary suspect).
- Jan 05 In the latest Minor Planet Circulars, 1 asteroid discovered at Ondrejov was numbered. We have published there 237 positions of 20 asteroids.
- Jan 05 During the lunation from Dec 06 to Jan 05 we have made new photometric observations of these minor planets: (1862) Apollo (YORP target) and (8116) Jeanperrin (returning binary, attenuations detected).
Year 2016 Summary