
End of February:Intention to attend and title of presentation
End of March:Abstract and any supplementary material

We will not hold to strict deadlines, but we would like to have fairly firm intentions of attending from everyone by the end of February. By that time we would also like to have at least titles of talks, so we can start to arrange sessions and appoint chairs/discussion leaders. If possible we would like abstracts by the end of March, sooner is better. We will not hold to a specific format for abstracts, but something up to about a page of text can be accommodated; we will plan to print and distribute abstract booklets at the meeting, but also post electronic versions as soon as they are submitted. If you have more extended material, for example a preprint or reprint that you would like to discuss at the workshop, we can post URLs for such material, or if you provide it in electronic form we can post it on this web site. We will post titles, abstracts and supplemental material as we receive it, so the sooner you get it to us the sooner others will be able to see the program shaping up.