Aleš Bezděk – Publications
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2025.
Ground water at the southern pole of the Moon via the gravity strike angles: IM-1 and Artemis.
Planetary and Space Science 256, 106037.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2025.
Gravity strike angles from EIGEN6C4 to seek conditions favourable for hydrocarbon occurrences in the Arctic zone.
Polar Science, in press.
Kostelecký J, Kalvoda J, Klokočník J, Bezděk A, 2024.
Mass density variations of landforms, active orogeny and erosion in the Nepal Himalaya derived from the Earth gravity model EIGEN 6C4.
In Kalvoda J, Novotná E (eds). The nature of geomorphological hazards in the Nepal Himalaya.
Springer, 215–258.
Klokočník J, Cílek V, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2024.
Mars: gravitační aspekty,
uhlovodíky a život.
Československý časopis pro fyziku 74, 7–12.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Cílek V, 2023.
Hydrocarbons on Mars.
International Journal of Astrobiology 22, 696–728.
Klokočník J, Kletetschka G, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2023.
Gravity aspects for Mars.
Icarus 406, 115729.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Cílek V, Kletetschka G, Bezděk A, 2022.
Gravity aspects from recent gravity field model GRGM1200A of the Moon and analysis of magnetic data.
Icarus 384, 115086.
Klokočník J, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, 2022.
Gravity field aspects for identification of cosmic impact structures on Earth.
In Foulger GR et al.(eds). In the Footsteps of Warren B. Hamilton: New Ideas in Earth Science.
GSA Special Paper 553, 251–260.
Mizera J, Řanda Z, Suchý V, Strunga V, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Moravec Z, 2022.
Parent crater for Australasian tektites beneath the sands of the Alashan Desert, Northwest China: Best candidate ever?
In Foulger GR et al.(eds). In the Footsteps of Warren B. Hamilton: New Ideas in Earth Science.
GSA Special Paper 553.
Kletetschka G, Klokočník J, Hasson N, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Karimi K, 2022.
Distribution of water near the poles of the Moon from gravity aspects.
Scientific Reports 12, 4501.
Sebera J, Bezděk A, Ebbing J, 2022.
Satellite magnetic anomalies with a smooth spectral transition to long wavelengths.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 324, 106843.
Zhang C, Shum CK, Bezděk A, Bevis M, Encarnação J, Tapley BD, Zhang Y, Su X, Shen Q, 2021.
Rapid Mass Loss in West Antarctica Revealed by Swarm Gravimetry in the Absence of GRACE.
Geophysical Research Letters 48(23), e2021GL095141.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Kletetschka G, 2021.
Artefacts in gravity field modelling.
Acta Geodyn. Geomater. 18, 511–524.
Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, Sebera J, Hitziger T, 2021.
GNSS profile from the Greenland Korth Expeditions in the context of satellite data.
Appl. Sci. 11, 1115.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Cílek V, 2021.
The spatial distribution of the strike angles derived from EIGEN 6C4 gravity model - A new possibility for oil&gas exploration?
International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 28(3), 306–332.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Varadzinová L, Bezděk A, Kletetschka G, 2020.
A gravity search for oil and gas and groundwater in Egypt using the strike angles derived from EIGEN 6C4.
Appl. Sci. 10, 8950.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Kletetschka G, 2020.
Gravity strike angles: a modern approach and tool to estimate the direction of impactors of meteoritic craters.
Planetary and Space Science 194, 105113.
Encarnação J, Visser P, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Doornbos E, Ellmer M, Guo J, van den IJssel J, Iorfida E, Jäggi A, Klokočník J, Krauss S, Mao X, Mayer-Gürr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum C. K, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Dahle C., 2020.
Description of the multi-approach gravity field models from Swarm GPS data.
Earth System Science Data 12, 1385–1417.
Forootan E, Schumacher M, Mehrnegar N, Bezděk A, Talpe MJ, Farzaneh S, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Shum C, 2020.
An iterative ICA-based reconstruction method to produce consistent time-variable total water storage fields using GRACE and Swarm satellite data.
Remote Sensing 12, 1639.
Klokočník J, Cílek V, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2020.
Gravity aspects from recent Earth gravity model EIGEN 6C4 for geoscience and archaeology in Sahara, Egypt.
Journal of African Earth Sciences 168, 103867.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Kletetschka G, Staňková H, 2020.
A 200 km suspected impact crater Kotuykanskaya near Popigai, Siberia, in the light of new gravity aspects from EIGEN 6C4, and other data.
Scientific Reports 10, 6093.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A,
Cílek V, Kletetschka G, Staňková H, 2020.
Support for two subglacial impact craters in northwest Greenland from Earth gravity model EIGEN 6C4 and other data.
Tectonophysics 780, 228396.
Sebera J, Haagmans R, Bakyiev E, Bezděk A, 2019.
On the observability of the time-variable lithospheric signal in satellite magnetic data.
Surveys in Geophysics 40(5), 1229–1243.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2019.
The putative Saginaw impact structure, Michigan, Lake Huron, in the light of gravity aspects derived from recent EIGEN 6C4 gravity field model.
Journal of Great Lakes Research 45(1), 12–20.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2019.
Response to comment by Schaetzl et al. (2019) on "The putative Saginaw impact structure, Michigan, Lake Huron, in the light of gravity aspects derived from recent EIGEN 6C4 gravity field model".
Journal of Great Lakes Research 45(5), 1007–1009.
Bezděk A, Letko P, 2019.
General relativistic effects and estimation of time-varying earth gravity field.
Journal of Applied Geophysics 161, 270–275.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2018.
On the detection of the Wilkes Land impact crater.
Earth, Planets and Space 70:135.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Cílek V, Bezděk A, Pešek I, 2018.
Gravito-topographic signal of the Lake Vostok area, Antarctica, with the most recent data.
Polar Science 17, 59–74.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2018.
Calibration of Swarm accelerometer data by GPS positioning and linear temperature correction.
Advances in Space Research 62(2), 317–325.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Pešek I, Bezděk A, 2017.
Candidates for volcanoes under the ice of Antarctica detected by their gravito-topographic signal.
Annals of Geophysics, 60(6), S0662.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Cílek V, Bezděk A, Pešek I, 2017.
A support for the existence of paleolakes and paleorivers buried under Saharan sand by means of "gravitational signal" from EIGEN 6C4.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10:199.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2017.
Validation of Swarm accelerometer data by modelled nongravitational forces.
Advances in Space Research 59, 2512–2521.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Pešek I, Bezděk A, 2016.
On feasibility to detect volcanoes hidden under the ice of Antarctica via their "gravitational signal".
Annals of Geophysics 59(5), S0539.
Bucha B, Janák J, Papčo J, Bezděk A, 2016.
High-resolution regional gravity field modelling in a mountainous area from terrestrial gravity data.
Geophys. J. Int. 207, 949–966.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle Ch, Doornbos E, van den IJssel J, Jäggi A, Mayer-Gürr T,
Sebera J, Visser P, Zehentner N, 2016.
Gravity field models derived from Swarm GPS data.
Earth, Planets and Space 68:127.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Encarnação J, Klokočník J, 2016.
Time-variable gravity fields derived from GPS tracking of Swarm.
Geophys. J. Int. 205, 1665–1669.
Sebera J, Bezděk A, Pešek I, Henych T, 2016.
Spheroidal models of the exterior gravitational field of Bennu and Castalia.
Icarus 272, 70–79.
Štěpánek P, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, Filler V, 2016.
Gravity field and ocean tides modeling for precise orbit determination of DORIS satellites.
Acta Geodyn. Geomater. 13, 27–40.
Sebera J, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, Pešek I, Shum CK, 2016.
An oblate ellipsoidal approach to update a high-resolution geopotential model over the oceans: study case of EGM2008 and DTU10.
Advances in Space Research 57, 2–18.
Bucha B, Bezděk A, Sebera J, Janák J, 2015.
Global and regional gravity field determination from GOCE
kinematic orbit by means of spherical radial basis functions.
Surveys in Geophysics 36, 773–801.
Klokočník J, Wagner CA, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2015.
Ground track density considerations on the resolvability of gravity field harmonics in a repeat orbit.
Advances in Space Research 56, 1146–1160.
Kostelecký J, Klokočník J, Bezděk A, 2015.
Evaluation of EGM 2008 and EIGEN-6C3stat by means of data from GNSS/leveling.
Newton's Bulletin N. 5, 3–12.
Kostelecký J, Klokočník J, Bucha B, Bezděk A, Förste, Ch, 2015.
Evaluation of gravity field model EIGEN-6C4 by means of various functions of gravity potential, and by GNSS/levelling.
Geoinformatics FCE CTU 14(1).
Kostelecký J., Bezděk A., Klokočník J., 2014.
Variace geoidu detekované z družicové mise GRACE.
In: Sborník referátů ze semináře s mezinárodní účastí "Družicové metody v geodézii a katastru", 6. 2. 2014, Brno, str. 32-38 (proceedings, in Czech).
ECON Publishing, ISBN: 978-80-86433-58-5.
Klokočník J, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, 2014.
Nečekané hrátky s třetím Keplerovým zákonem.
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie 59, 194–210.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Kalvoda J, Eppelbaum LV, Bezděk A, 2014.
Gravity Disturbances, Marussi Tensor, Invariants and Other Functions of the Geopotential Represented by EGM 2008.
Journal of Earth Science Research 2(3), 88–101.
Sebera J, Šprlák M, Novák P, Bezděk A, Vaľko M, 2014.
Iterative spherical downward continuation applied to magnetic and gravitational data.
Surveys in Geophysics 35(4), 941–958.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, 2014.
Gravity field models from kinematic orbits of CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE satellites.
Advances in Space Research 53, 412–429.
Preprint: Bezdek_et_al_2014_Gravity_field_models_from_kinematic_orbits_of_CHAMP,_GRACE_and_GOCE_satellites.pdf (2 179 kB)
Klokočník J, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, 2014.
Mathematical modelling of orbits for geodetic satellites.
Advances in engineering mechanics and materials, 85–88.
ISBN: 978-1-61804-241-5.
Kalvoda J, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk, A, 2013.
Mass distribution of Earth landforms determined by aspects of the geopotential as computed from the global gravity field model EGM 2008.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica 48(2), 17–25.
Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Klokočník J, 2013.
Global and regional seasonal variations of the geoid detected by GRACE.
Acta Geodyn. Geomater. 10, 285–291.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, 2013.
MATLAB script for 3D visualizing geodata on a rotating globe.
Computers & geosciences 56, 127–130.
Preprint: Bezdek_Sebera_2013_MATLAB_script_(preprint).pdf (3 578 kB) Website:
Štěpánek, P., Bezděk, A., 2013. Vliv oceánských slapů na nízké oběžné dráhy družic Země. Geodetický a kartografický obzor 5/2013, 89–99.
Klokočník J, Gooding RH, Wagner CA, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2013.
The Use of Resonant Orbits in Satellite Geodesy: A Review.
Surveys in Geophysics 34, 43–72.
Sebera J, Wagner CA, Bezděk A, Klokočník J, 2013.
Short guide to direct gravitational field modelling with Hotine's equations.
Journal of Geodesy 87, 223–238.
Klokočník J, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, 2012.
GNSS-R concept extended by a fine orbit tuning.
Advances in Space Research 49, 957–965.
Bezděk A, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Floberghagen R, Sebera J, 2010.
Some aspects of the orbit selection for the measurement phases of GOCE.
Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, Norway, 28 June–2 July, ESA SP-686.
Bezdek_et_al_2010_Some_aspects_of_the_orbit_selection_for_the_measurement_phases_of_GOCE.pdf (635 kB)
Bezděk A, 2010.
Calibration of accelerometers aboard GRACE satellites by comparison with POD-based nongravitational accelerations.
Journal of Geodynamics 50(5), 410–423.
Klokočník J, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, Sebera J, 2010.
Orbit tuning of planetary orbiters for accuracy gain in gravity-field mapping.
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 33(3), 853–861.
Bezděk A, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Floberghagen R, Gruber C, 2009.
Simulation of free fall and resonances in the GOCE mission.
Journal of Geodynamics 48(1), 47–53,
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Novák P, Bezděk A, Gruber Ch, Sebera J, 2009.
Mapování gravitačního pole Země pomocí družice GOCE. Geodetický a kartografický obzor 8/2009.
Ditmar P, Bezděk A, Liu X, Zhao Q, 2009.
On a feasibility of modeling temporal gravity field variations from orbits of non-dedicated satellites.
In: Sideris, M. G. (Ed.), Observing our Changing Earth.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 307–313.
Klokočník J, Wagner CA, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Novák P, McAdoo D, 2008.
Variations in the accuracy of gravity recovery due to ground track variability: GRACE, CHAMP, and GOCE.
Journal of Geodesy 82, 917–927.
Bezděk A, 2007.
Lognormal distribution of the observed and modelled neutral thermospheric densities.
Stud. Geophys. Geod. 51, 461–468.
Bezděk A, 2006. Prediction of the orbital evolution for LEO geodetic satellites. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium «Turkish-German Joint Geodetic Days», Berlin, Germany, 28–31 March, ISBN: 3-9809030-4-4.
Bezdek_2006_Prediction_of_the_orbital_evolution_for_LEO_geodetic_satellites.pdf (3 212 kB)
Bezděk A, 2004. Semianalytic theory of motion for LEO satellites under air drag. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Munich, Germany, Oct. 11–15, ESA SP-548, 615–620.
Bezdek_2004_Stoag_theory_-_ISSFD_paper.pdf (4 832 kB)
Bezděk A, Vokrouhlický D, 2004. Semianalytic theory of motion for close-Earth spherical satellites including drag and gravitational perturbations. Planet. Space Sci. 52(14), 1233–1249.
Presentations & posters
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle C, Guo J, IJssel J, Jaeggi A, Klokočník J, Kraus S, Mayer-Guerr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum CK, Visser P, Zhang Y, 2023.
Nearly a decade of Swarm monthly gravity field models.
Swarm 13th Data Quality Workshop, ESA/ESRIN Frascati, Italy, 9-13 October.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle C, Doornbos E, Guo J, IJssel J, Jaeggi A, Klokočnik J, Krauss S, Mao X, Mayer-Guerr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum CK, Visser P, Zhang Y, 2023.
Temporal gravity changes over nine years as observed by the Swarm satellites.
28th IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, 11–20 July, IUGG23-3225.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2023.
Gravity strike angles as admirable tool to study gravity fields of planets.
28th IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, 11–20 July, IUGG23-0138.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle C, Doornbos E, Guo J, IJssel J, Jaeggi A,
Klokočnik J, Krauss S, Mao X, Mayer-Guerr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum CK, Visser P, Zhang Y, 2023.
Temporal gravity changes over nine years as observed by the Swarm satellites
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 April, EGU23-5798.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle C, Guo J, IJssel J, Jaeggi A, Klokočník J, Kraus S, Mayer-Guerr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum CK, Visser P, Zhang Y, 2022.
Eight years of temporal gravity changes observed by the Swarm satellites.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May, EGU22-11782.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle C, Guo J, IJssel J, Jaeggi A, Klokočník J, Kraus S, Mayer-Guerr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum CK, Visser P, Zhang Y, 2022.
Analysis of Swarm gravity field models.
Swarm 12th Data Quality Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, 10-14 October.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle C, Guo J, IJssel J, Jaeggi A, Klokočník J, Kraus S, Mayer-Guerr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum CK, Visser P, Zhang Y, 2022.
Mass transport processes observed by the Swarm satellites.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bonn, Germany, 23-27 May.
Klokočník J, Kletetschka G, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Karimi K, 2022.
Gravity and magnetic fields of Mars – new findings.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May, EGU22-1708.
Sebera J, Bezděk A, Ebbing J, 2022.
Triangular grids on the sphere.
GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting, Potsdam, Germany, 18-20 October.
Sebera J, Bezděk A, 2022.
Swarm and GRACE-FO time series compared.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bonn, Germany, 23-27 May.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle C, Guo J, IJssel J, Jaeggi A, Klokočník J, Kraus S, Mayer-Guerr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum CK, Visser P, Zhang Y, 2021.
Seven years of monthly low-degree gravity field models from Swarm GPS data.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19–30 April, EGU21-7422.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle C, Guo J, IJssel J, Jaeggi A, Klokočník J, Kraus S, Mayer-Guerr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum CK, Visser P, Zhang Y, 2021.
Multi-approach gravity field models from Swarm GPS data.
Swarm 11th Data Quality Workshop, Athens, Greece, 11-15 October.
Kletetschka G, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2021.
Gravity aspect reveals more differentiated southern hemisphere that northern hemisphere of Mars.
84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 15-21 August, LPI 2609, id 6021.
Kletetschka G, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2021.
Gravity aspects suggest that Isidis basin is buried volcano.
84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 15-21 August, LPI 2609, id 6020.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle C, Doornbos E, Guo J, IJssel J, Jaeggi A,
Klokočnik J, Krauss S, Mao X, Mayer-Guerr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum CK, Visser P, Zhang C, Zhang Y, 2020.
Multi-approach gravity field models from Swarm GPS data.
Swarm 10th Data Quality Workshop, ESA ESRIN online, 7–10 October.
Klokočník J, Cílek V, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2020.
Gravity aspects from recent Earth gravity model EIGEN 6C4 for geoscience and archaeology in Sahara, Egypt.
EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May, EGU2020-2202
Kletetschka G, Kavkova R, Navratil T, Takac M, Prach J, Vondrak D, Stuchlik E, Storc R, Svecova E, Horicka Z, Klokočník J, Kostelecky J, Bezděk A,
Rogozin DY, Meydus A, Krivobokov L, Mukhortova L, Darin A. V, Serra R, Stanghellini C, Gladysheva OG, 2019.
New implications for Tunguska explosion based on magnetic, dendrological, and lacustrine records.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54, suppl. 2.
82nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Sapporo, Japan, 7-12 July.
Encarnação J, Visser P, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Doornbos E, Guo J, IJssel J, Iorfida E, Jaeggi A,
Klokočnik J, Krauss S, Mao X, Mayer-Guerr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum CK, Zhang C, Zhang Y, 2019.
Multi-approach gravity field models from Swarm GPS data.
Swarm 9th Data Quality Workshop, CTU in Prague, Czechia, 16–20 September.
Sebera J, Baykiev E, Bezděk A, Holzrichter N, 2019.
Models of the lithospheric time variation and corrections to satellite data.
Swarm 9th Data Quality Workshop, CTU in Prague, Czechia, 16–20 September.
Zhang C, Guo J, Shum CK, Bezděk A, Zhang Y, Encarnação J, Visser P, 2019.
Temporal gravity field estimates from Swarm using acceleration approach and earth mass transport studies.
27th IUGG General Assembly, Montréal, Canada, 8–18 July.
Zhang Y, Shum CK, Bezděk A, Zhang C, Guo J, Shi Y, Groh A, Horwath M, Kuo C, Su X, Shen Q, 2019.
Ice-sheet mass balance climate records from satellite gravimetry.
27th IUGG General Assembly, Montréal, Canada, 8–18 July.
Encarnação J, Visser P,
Arnold D, Bezděk A, Doornbos E, Ellmer M, Guo J, van den IJssel J, Iorfida E,
Jäggi A, Klokočník J, Mao X, Mayer-Gürr T, Meyer U, Sebera J, Shum CK, Zehentner N, Zhang Y, Zhang C, 2019.
Earth’s mass transport processes observed by the Swarm satellites during the GRACE/GRACE-FO gap.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan, Italy, 13–17 May.
Sebera J, Bezděk A, Ebbing J, Haagmans R, 2019.
Spatial depth-dependent filtering of satellite magnetic data.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan, Italy, 13–17 May.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2019.
Candidates for subglacial volcanoes, lakes, a lake basin, and a huge impact structure in East Antarctica, from new gravito-topographic data,
including complete ESA GOCE gradiometry.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan, Italy, 13–17 May.
Sebera J, Ebbing J, Haagmans R, Baykiev E, Szwillus W, Bezděk A, 2019.
Global magnetic susceptibility maps with a tile-wise approach.
3D Earth Science Meeting, DIAS, Dublin, Ireland, 12-14 March.
Visser P, Encarnação J, Doornbos E, IJssel J, Mao X, Iorfida E, Arnold D, Jaeggi A, Meyer U, Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J,
Ellmer M, Mayer-Guerr T, Guo J, Shum CK, Zhang Y, 2019.
Complete 5-years time series of combined monthly gravity field models derived from Swarm GPS data.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7–12 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-13412.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Cílek V, Kletetschka G, 2019.
A support to discovery of subglacial impact crater in northwest Greenland by gravity aspects from Earth gravity model EIGEN 6C4 and other data.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7–12 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-5054.
Kletetschka G, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Cílek V, 2019.
An independent discovery of subglacial impact crater in northwest Greenland by gravity aspects from Earth gravity model EIGEN 6C4 and magnetic anomaly data.
50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, March 18–22.
Zhang Y, Shum CK, Bezděk A, Shang K, Zhang C, Guo J, Visser P, Encarnação J, 2018.
Temporal Gravity Field Recovery Using The Swarm Mission Constellation High-Low GPS Tracking Data And Energy Balance Approach.
AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, 10–14 December.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2018.
Monthly gravity fields from Swarm GPS orbits by decorrelated acceleration approach & validation of ACCxCAL.
Swarm 8th Data Quality Workshop, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 8–12 October.
Encarnação J, Visser P, Doornbos E, van den IJssel J, Mao X, Iorfida E,
Arnold D, Jäggi A, Meyer U,
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J,
Ellmer M, Mayer-Gürr T, Zehentner N,
Guo J, Luk P, Shum CK, Zhang Y, 2018.
Multi-approach gravity field models from Swarm GPS data.
Swarm 8th Data Quality Workshop, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 8–12 October.
Bezděk A, 2018.
Inversion of the satellite GPS orbits to time-variable gravity field signal.
GET Toulouse, France, 12 June.
Encarnação J, Visser P, Doornbos E, van den IJssel J, Mao X, Iorfida E,
Arnold D, Jäggi A, Meyer U,
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J,
Ellmer M, Mayer-Gürr T, Zehentner N,
Guo J, Shum CK, Zhang Y, 2018.
Signal contents of combined monthly gravity field models derived from Swarm GPS data.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-10773.
Jäggi A, Meyer U, Schreiter L, Steerken V, Dahle C, Arnold D, Encarnacao J, Visser P,
IJssel J, Mao X, Iorfida E,
Bezděk A, Sebera J,
Mayer-Gürr T, Zehentner N,
Shum CK,
Lück C, Rietbroek R, Kusche J, 2018.
Assessment of individual and combined gravity field solutions from Swarm GPS data and mitigation of systematic errors.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-8944.
Sebera J, Haagmans R, Ebbing J, Bezděk A, 2018.
Gravitational signal and spectra of the crustal and the mantle layers.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-19052.
Sebera J, Haagmans R, Floberghagen R, Baykiev E, Ebbing J, Bezděk A, 2018.
Time variation of the lithospheric magnetic field between 2000 to 2017.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-19034.
Zehentner N, Mayer-Gürr T, Ellmer M,
Encarnação J, Visser P, Doornbos E, van den IJssel J, Mao X, Iorfida E,
Arnold D, Jäggi A, Meyer U,
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J,
Guo J, Shum CK, 2018.
Investigations of GNSS-derived baselines for gravity field recovery
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8–13 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-11920.
Bezděk A, 2017.
Tání ledovců z družicových gravimetrických měření.
Dny otevřených dveří ASU AV ČR, Týden vědy a techniky AV ČR, 10.–11. listopadu.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2017.
Validation of calibrated Swarm ACC data: Swarm C, along-track, 19 Jul 2014 to 27 Apr 2016 (ACCxCAL_2 v. 0201).
Swarm 7th Data Quality Workshop, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, 24–27 October.
Shum CK, Dai C, Shang K, Guo J, Zhang Y, Feng W, Forootan E, Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, et al., 2017.
GRACE temporal gravity solution techniques based on energy balance approach.
Joint Scientific Symposium of IAG-IASPEI, Kobe, Japan, July 30–August 4.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle Ch, Doornbos E, van den IJssel J, Jäggi A, Mayer-Gürr T,
Sebera J, Visser P, Zehentner N, 2017.
Gravity field models derived from Swarm GPS data.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-9218.
Kostelecký J, Klokočník J, Bezděk A, 2017.
Variations of geoid undulations from satellite data of GRACE for Israel and surrounding countries
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-5576.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle Ch, Doornbos E, van den IJssel J, Jäggi A, Mayer-Gürr T, Sebera J, Visser P, Zehentner N, 2017.
Swarm as an observing platform for large surface mass transport processes.
Fourth Swarm Science Meeting and Geodetic Missions Workshop, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 20–24 March.
Shang K, Shum CK, Bezděk A, Zhang Y, Akyilmaz O, Encarnação J, Dai C, Forootan E, Guo J, Klokočník J, Kuo C, Sebera J, 2017.
Low-degree temporal gravity field solution from SWARM constellation of satellites using the energy balance approach.
Fourth Swarm Science Meeting and Geodetic Missions Workshop, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 20–24 March.
Bezděk A, 2016.
Swarm temporal gravity field modelling.
School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University, USA, 4 November.
Kostelecký J, Klokočník J, Bezděk A, 2016.
Variations of geoid undulations from satellite data of Grace for Israel and surrounding countries.
World Conference on Climate Change, October 24-26, Valencia, Spain.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Encarnação J, Klokočník J, 2016.
Time-variable gravity from GPS tracking of Grace and Swarm.
GRACE Science Team Meeting, GFZ Potsdam, Germany, 5-7 October.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2016.
Calibration/validation of Swarm ACC data and GPS orbits.
Swarm 6th Data Quality Workshop, University of Edinburgh, UK, 26–29 September.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2016.
Time-variable gravity from GPS tracking of Grace and Swarm.
GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, Oberpfaffenhofen, 19 September.
Mizera J, Řanda Z, Kameník J, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2016.
Hypothetical Source Crater for Australasian Tektites: Moving from Indochina to Northwest China?
79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Berlin, Germany, 7–12 August.
Klokočník J, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, 2016.
On feasibility to detect volcanoes hidden under ice of Antarctica via their "gravitational signal".
4th Annual International Conference on Physics, Athens, Greece, 18–21 July.
Bezděk A, 2016.
Time-variable gravity field observed from recent satellite missions.
Tel Aviv University, Israel, 9 June.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, 2016.
Swarm accelerometer data: Temperature dependence and GPS-based calibration.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 9–13 May.
Bezdek_etal_2016_Swarm_accelerometer.pdf (745 kB)
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle Ch, Doornbos E, van den IJssel J, Jäggi A, Mayer-Gürr T,
Sebera J, Visser P, Zehentner N, 2016.
Gravity field models derived from Swarm GPS data.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 9–13 May.
Truhlik V, Bilitza D, Stolle C, Buchert S, Bezděk A, Podolska K, Triskova L, 2016.
Analysis of the Swarm electron temperature data, their comparison with IRI and C/NOFS, and possible corrections.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 9–13 May.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle Ch, Doornbos E, van den IJssel J, Jäggi A, Mayer-Gürr T,
Sebera J, Visser P, Zehentner N, 2016.
Gravity field models derived from Swarm GPS data.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17–22 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-5967.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Pešek I, Bezděk A, Bucha B, 2016.
On feasibility to detect volcanoes hidden under ice of Antarctica via their "gravitational signal".
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17–22 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-2815.
Klokočník J, Bezděk, A, Kostelecký J, 2015.
On feasibility to detect volcanoes hidden under ice of Antarctica via their "gravitational signal"
The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services,
Venice, Italy, April 24–28.
Encarnação J, Arnold D, Bezděk A, Dahle Ch, Doornbos E, van den IJssel J, Jäggi A, Mayer-Gürr T,
Sebera J, Visser P, Zehentner N, 2015.
First monthly gravity field solutions derived from GPS orbits of Swarm.
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14–18 December.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2015.
Časově proměnné gravitační pole z pozorování umělých družic Země.
Geodynamický seminář, Katedra geofyziky MFF UK, 9. prosince 2015.
Truhlik V, Bilitza D, Stolle C, Buchert S, Bezděk A, Podolska K, Triskova L, 2015.
Comparisons of SWARM Electron Temperature Data with IRI.
International Reference Ionosphere 2015 Workshop,
KMITL, Bangkok, Thailand, 2-13 November.
Bucha B, Bezděk A, Janák J, 2015.
An approach to stabilize the estimation of global GOCE-only gravity field models from kinematic orbit in terms of spherical radial basis functions.
Geodetické základy a geodynamika 2015, 8.-9. október 2015, Kočovce, Slovensko.
Zborník príspevkov, ISBN: 978-80-227-4466-9.
Sebera J, Bezděk A, Pešek I, Henych T, 2015.
Sferoidálni modely gravitačního pole asteroidu Bennu a Castalia
Geomatika v projektech 2015, Zámek Kozel, 7.–8. 10. 2015.
Pálinkáš V, Bezděk A, 2015.
Contribution of gravity measurements for monitoring environmental impacts of climate changes.
EMPIR workshop, INRiM, Torino, Italy, 1st December.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2015.
Time-variable gravity field from Swarm GPSR data.
Swarm 5th data quality workshop,
IPGP, Paris, France, 7 – 10 September.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2015.
Validation of Swarm ACC preliminary dataset.
Swarm 5th data quality workshop,
IPGP, Paris, France, 7 – 10 September.
Bezdek_etal_2015_Validation.pdf (6 367 kB)
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2015.
Swarm accelerometer data: temperature dependence & GPS orbits: First gravity field solutions.
26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June – 2 July.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Wagner C, Bezděk, A, 2015.
Resolvability of gravity field parameters in a repeat orbit – based on global ground track density
26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June – 2 July.
Sebera J, Bezděk A, Shum CK, Čunderlík R, 2015.
An oblate ellipsoidal approach to update geopotential models over the oceans.
26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June – 2 July.
Shum CK, Shang K, Dai C, Duan J, Akyilmaz O, Bezděk A, Forootan E, Guo J, Hossain F, Klokočník J, Sebera J, Schmidt M, 2015.
Applications of energy balance and regional gravity modeling approach on improved GRACE estimates of terrestrial water storage changes.
26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June – 2 July.
Kostelecký J, Klokočník J, Bucha B, Bezděk A, Förste, Ch, 2015.
Evaluation of EIGEN-6C4 by means of various functions of the gravity
potential, and by GPS/Leveling
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12–17 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-3910.
Bucha B, Bezděk A, 2015.
Global and regional gravity field determination from GOCE kinematic orbits by means of spherical radial basis functions.
Seminář GOPE, Ondřejov, 10 March.
Bucha B, Bezděk A, Janák J, 2015.
Determination of global and regional earth gravity field models from GOCE kinematic orbits by means of spherical radial basis functions.
Workshop: Geodetic and Geophysical Observables for Understanding Earth's Structure and Processes.
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Department of Theoretical Geodesy, 9 February 2015.
Štěpánek P, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, 2014.
Modelling of gravity force for the precise orbit determination of low-Earth satellites.
15th Czech-Polish Workshop on Recent Geodynamics of the Sudeten and the Adjacent Areas,
Karlov pod Pradědem, 5–8 November.
Bezděk A, 2014.
Kosmická geodézie – desetiletí geopotenciálu.
Seminář Ústavu teoretické fyziky, ÚTF MFF UK, 16. prosince 2014.
Shang K, Guo J, Dai C, Duan J, Shum CK, Schmidt M, Bezděk A, 2014.
GRACE estimated terrestrial and aquifer storage change using an improved energy balance and regional gravity modeling approach.
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15–19 December.
Shum CK, Shang K, Dai C, Guo J, Kuo C, Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, Schmidt M, Akyilmaz O, Martinez-Benjamin JJ, 2014.
Combining GOCE and GRACE Data Towards Improved Temporal Gravity Solutions
5th International GOCE user worskshop, 25–28 November, Paris, France.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Weigelt M, Wagner CW, Bezděk A, 2014.
Resolvability of gravity field parameters in variable ground track density environment: a degree/order limit.
5th International GOCE user worskshop, 25–28 November, Paris, France.
Bucha B, Bezděk A, Janák J, 2014.
Global gravity field determination from kinematic orbits of CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE satellites by means of spherical radial basis functions.
Geomatika v projektech 2014, Zámek Kozel, 1.–2. 10. 2014, sborník ISBN: 978-80-263-0796-9.
Sebera J, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, Pešek I, Shum CK, 2014.
Elipsoidální přístup k aktualizaci modelu EGM08.
Seminář GOPE, Ondřejov, 15. října.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2014.
Swarm ACC data: physical signal and temperature dependence.
Swarm 4th data quality workshop, GFZ Potsdam, 2–5 December 2014.
Bezdek_etal_2014_Swarm_ACC_data.pdf (680 kB)
Siemes C, Doornbos E, Van den Ijssel J, Encarnaçăo J, Bezděk A, Peřestý R, Bock H, Bruinsma S, 2014.
Introduction to geodesy & accelerometry with Swarm.
Third Swarm science meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19–20 June 2014.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2014.
First results of gravity field modelling from GPS orbits.
Swarm CAL/VAL meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 16–18 June 2014.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2014.
Reduction of temperature dependence in Swarm ACC data.
Swarm CAL/VAL meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 16–18 June 2014.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, 2014.
Reduction of temperature dependence in Swarm ACC data by means of modelled nongravitational forces.
First Swarm QWG/CalVal meeting, ESA/ESRIN Frascati, 27 March 2014.
Bezdek_etal_2014_Reduction.pdf (8 330 kB)
Sebera J, Bezděk A, Kostelecky J, Pesek I, 2014.
User-driven update of a high-resolution geopotential model.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 2 May;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-9752.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, 2013.
MATLAB script for visualizing geoid height and other elevation data on rotating 3D globe.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7–12 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-5142.
Bezdek_Sebera_2013_MATLAB_script_(poster).pdf (8 496 kB)
Bezdek_Sebera_2013_MATLAB_script_(poster_intro).ppt (72 324 kB)
Klokočník J, Floberghagen R, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, 2013.
From Kepler to Fine Orbit Tuning of GOCE.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 9–13 September, Edinburgh, UK.
Klokočník J, Kalvoda J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, Eppelbaum L, 2013.
Gravity Disturbances, the Marussi Tensor, Invariants and Other Functions of the Geopotential as Represented by the Global Gravity Field Model EGM 2008 and Suggestions for Geoapplications.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 9–13 September, Edinburgh, UK.
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, 2013.
Average time-variable gravity from GPS orbits of recent geodetic satellites.
VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Rome, Italy, 17–21 June 2013.
Bezdek_et_al_2013_Average_time-variable_gravity_from_GPS_orbits_of_recent_geodetic_satellites_(abstract).pdf (77 kB)
Bezdek_et_al_2013_Average_time-variable_gravity_from_GPS_orbits_of_recent_geodetic_satellites.pdf (2 532 kB)
Bezděk A, 2013.
Gravity field models from GPS orbits of close-Earth satellites.
Seminář: Current Problems in Numerical Analysis, MÚ AV ČR, 7 June 2013.
Klokočník K, Bezděk A, 2013.
From Kepler to Fine Orbit Tuning of GOCE.
Seminář ASU, Ondřejov, 4. března 2013.
Bezděk A, 2013.
Vizualizace výšky geoidu a jiných planetárních dat na rotujícím glóbu.
Seminář GOPE, Ondřejov, 19. března.
Bezděk A, 2012.
Co nového ukázaly družice o gravitačním poli.
Dny otevřených dveří ASU AV ČR, 3. listopadu 2012.
Bezděk A, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Sebera J, 2012.
Calibration of Swarm accelerometers by means of kinematic orbits and gravity field models.
First Swarm Validation Workshop, ESA/ESRIN Frascati, 20 June 2012.
Bezdek_et_al_2012_Calibration_of_Swarm_accelerometers_by_means_of_kinematic_orbits_and_gravity_field_models_(validation).pdf (2 765 kB)
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, 2012.
Global gravity field models from the GPS positions of CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE satellites.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 26–27 April;
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-5980.
Bezdek_et_al_2012_Global_gravity_field_models_from_the_GPS_positions_of_Champ,_Grace_and_Goce_satellites_(abstract).pdf (42 kB)
Bezdek_et_al_2012_Global_gravity_field_models_from_the_GPS_positions_of_Champ,_Grace_and_Goce_satellites_(poster).pdf (1 004 kB)
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Sebera J, Bezděk A, 2012.
Comparison of EIGEN 6C and EGM 2008 gravity field models via Marussi tensor computed for selected areas of the Earth.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 26–27 April.
Bezděk A, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Sebera J, 2011.
Gravity field modelling from kinematic positions using the generalized least squares.
Presented at 4th International GOCE User Workshop, Technische Universität München, Germany, 31 March – 1 April.
Bezdek_et_al_2011_Gravity_field_modelling_from_kinematic_positions_(abstract).pdf (147 kB)
Bezdek_et_al_2011_Gravity_field_modelling_from_kinematic_positions_(poster).pdf (1 386 kB)
Bezděk A, Sebera J, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, 2011.
Globální model gravitačního pole z dráhových dat družic CHAMP, GRACE a GOCE.
Seminář Výzkumného centra dynamiky Země, Třešť, 16. listopadu 2011.
Bezděk A, 2011.
Časové řady a modely gravitačního pole z inverze drah družic CHAMP, GRACE a GOCE.
Seminář Astronomického ústavu UK, 9. listopadu 2011.
Klokočnik J, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, 2011.
GNSS-R concept extended by a fine orbit tuning.
Space Reflecto 2011, International Workshop on reflectometry, Calais, France, 27–28 Octobre.
Klokočník J, Bezděk A, Kostelecky J, 2010.
Orbit Tuning for GOCE Measuring Phases and for Planetary Orbiters to Maximize Accuracy Gain in the Gravity Field Mapping.
15th General Assembly of Wegener, September 14-17, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
Bezděk A, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Floberghagen R, Sebera J, 2010.
Some aspects of the orbit selection for the measurement phases of GOCE.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, Norway, 28 June – 2 July.
Bezdek_et_al_2010_Some_aspects_of_the_orbit_selection_for_the_measurement_phases_of_GOCE_ppt.pdf (1 107 kB)
Sebera J, Bosch W, Bouman J, Kostelecký J, Klokočník J, Bezděk A, 2010.
Upward Continuation of Satellite Altimeter Data for GOCE Validation.
ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, Norway, 28 June–2 July.
Bezděk A, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Floberghagen R, Sebera J, 2010.
Fine orbit tuning to increase the accuracy of the gravity-field modelling.
Presented at 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, 13–17 December, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California, USA.
Bezdek_et_al_2010_Fine_orbit_tuning_to_increase_the_accuracy_of_the_gravity-field_modelling_(poster).pdf (3 314 kB)
Sebera J, Wagner CA, Bezděk A, Bouman J, Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Novák P, 2010.
Gravitational tensor in the GOCE reference frame by direct harmonic synthesis.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2--7 May.
Bezděk A, 2009.
Calibration of accelerometers aboard GRACE satellites by comparison with GPS-based nongravitational accelerations.
ESA's Second Swarm International Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany, 24–26 June.
Bezdek_2009_Calibration_of_accelerometers_aboard_GRACE_satellites_by_comparison_with_GPS_based_nongravitational_accelerations_(poster).pdf (3 187 kB)
Bezděk, A., Klokočník, J., Kostelecký, J., Floberghagen, R., Gruber, C., 2009.
Simulation of free fall and resonances in the forthcoming GOCE mission.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19–24 April.
Bezdek_et_al_2009_Simulation_of_free_fall_and_resonances_in_the_forthcoming_GOCE_mission(EGU_poster).pdf (2 149 kB)
Gruber, C.; Bezdek, A., 2009.
An analytic solution for GRACE range rates and the initial condition problem.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19–24 April.
Klokocnik, J., Bezdek, A., Kostelecky, J., Floberghagen, R., Gruber, Ch., 2008.
Resonances and GOCE orbit selection.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 13–18 April.
Gruber C, Bezděk A, Novak P, 2008.
Numerical analysis of geopotential differences derived from GRACE perturbation rates using lumped harmonic coefficients.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 13–18 April.
Klokočník J, Wagner CA, McAdoo D, Kostelecky J, Bezděk A, Novak P, Gruber C, 2007.
Changes in accuracy of gravity field recovery due to ground track variability: CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE.
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December.
Klokočník J, Wagner CA, McAdoo D, Kostelecky J, Bezděk A, Novak P, 2007.
Non-homogeneities in the accuracy of earth gravity parameters from CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 15–20 April.
Gruber C, Bezděk A, 2007.
GRACE Gravity field recovery from simulated data with an alternative processing approach
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 15–20 April.
Bezdek, A., Biancale, R., Bruinsma, S., Lathuillère, C., Menvielle, M., Valette, J. J., 2006.
Neutral thermosphere modelling using sectorial geomagnetic indices.
COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, 16–23 July.
Bezdek, A., 2006.
Lognormal distribution of the observed and modelled neutral thermospheric densities.
COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, 16–23 July.
Wagner, C. A., Klokocnik, J., McAdoo, D., Kostelecky, J., Bezdek, A., 2006.
Degradation of geopotential recovery of GRACE monthly solutions due to orbit resonances.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2–7 April.
Kostelecky, J., Klokocnik, J., Wagner, C. A., Scharroo, R., Gruber, Ch., Bezdek, A., Doornbos, E., Novak, P., 2006.
Degradation in accuracy of CHAMP/GRACE-only Earth Gravity Field models.
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2–7 April.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Cílek V, Bezděk A, Kletetschka G, 2022.
Atlas of the gravity and magnetic fields of the Moon.
Springer, 263 pp., ISBN: 978-3-031-08867-4.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Cílek V, Bezděk A, 2020.
Subglacial and underground structures detected from recent gravito-topography data.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 232 pp., ISBN: 978-1-5275-4948-7
Cílek V, Ač A a kolektiv autorů, 2019.
Věk nerovnováhy. Klimatická změna, bezpečnost a cesty k národní resilienci.
Academia, 348 str., ISBN: 978-80-200-2930-0
Cílek V, Fediuk F, Sůvová Z, Mudra P, Rohovec J, Klokočník J, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, Malíček J, Kysela M, 2018.
Žulové krajiny středních Čech.
Dokořán, Praha, 216 str., ISBN: 978-80-7363-902-0.
Klokočník J, Kostelecký J, Bezděk A, 2017.
Gravitational Atlas of Antarctica.
Springer International Publishing, 113 pp., ISBN: 978-3-319-56639-9.
Kostelecký J, Klokočník J, Bezděk A, 2016.
Selected applications of satellite geodesy in geosciences.
Technical University of Košice, 105 pp., ISBN: 978-80-553-2548-4.
Klokočník J, Bezděk A, Kostelecký J, 2014.
Družice a gravitační pole Země.
Academia, edice Věda kolem nás, 24 str, ISSN 2464-6245.
Sebera J, Bezděk A, 2020. Tlačenice na nízkých oběžných drahách. Vesmír 99, str. 430–432.
Habilitation thesis (in Czech):
Bezděk A, 2019. Časově proměnné gravitační pole na základě inverze družicových GPS drah.
Fakulta stavení, ČVUT v Praze.
Ph.D. thesis (in Czech):
Bezděk, A., 2004. Mikroakcelerometrická měření negravitačních sil v okolí Země (simulace a analýza dat družice Mimosa). Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze.
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Last modified: 22 January 2025 07:51:09.