
Here you can find a couple of examples that should help you in filling the registration or abstract submission forms. In case of remaining problems, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Abstract submission

The abstract-submission form is straightforward, except for the fields for the authors and their corresponding affiliations. The following examples for filling in the List of authors and Affiliations should give you a hint:

1. All authors from one institution

In this case you do not need to provide affiliation marks to each author. Use 'AND' (please note the capital letters) to separate author names:
List of authors:

2. A bit more complicated example

If authors are from more than a single institution, and/or someone has multiple affiliations, please use the syntax as shown in this example:
List of authors:
Please, note the capital letters in 'AND' and the square brackets ('[' and ']') in affiliation marks. The affiliation marks above should correspond to the order of institutions in this list:

Again, you can use the same form for an update of your abstract information, provided your e-mail adress AND contribution title have not changed.