1. Introduction (29.11.00) - basic stellar parameters (spectral classification, HR-diagram) and optical observations (photometry and spectroscopy)
2. Radiative transfer (29.11.00) - theory of radiative transfer, its links to kinetic theory, equation of radiative transfer in plane-parallel and spherical approximation and in moving media. Formal solution of radiative transfer. Moments of radiation field. Problem of scattering. Grey atmosphere. Milne - Eddington approximation. Methods of numerical solutions, Lambda-iteration, approximate Lambda-operators.
3. Formation of spectrum (29.11.00)
Einstein coefficients - absorption, emission and
scattering, source function.
Interaction of quantum systems with radiation field -
absorption in lines.
Thermodynamic equilibrium - temperature, local thermodynamic
equilibrium and non-LTE. Equation of statistical equilibrium.
Maser effect.
(4. - is not part of the present course) Model atmospheres and their applications
Hydrostatic equilibrium and hydrodynamics - validity of
hydrostatic approximation, convection, meridional circulations
in non-symmetric stars, stellar winds, hydrostatic approximation
in accretion disks.
Stellar photometry - data reduction, light-curve models, eclipsing
binaries, limb-darkening, reflection effect.
Stellar spectroscopy - data reduction, comparison with model spectra,
spectra of binaries, disentangling.
5. Gravitoacoustic waves in the atmosphere
Appendix - Generalised functions (29.11.00)
- convolution, Fourier transforms
Bibliography, Index