First summer school on disentangling of spectra
Ondřejov, Czech Republic 15.9.2008 - 19.9.2008
Participants may present poster or short oral contributions, which are
connected with the topic of the workshop. We kindly ask to send us the title
and abstract of such contribution prior 31st July, indicating your
preference (oral or poster).
oral contributions:
H. Ak -
KOREL application on HD 10308 spectral binary
N. F. Ak -
KOREL application on IX Per spectral binary
O. Creevey -
Spectroscopic observations of a red-edge delta Scuti star in an eclipsing
A correct interpretation of asteroseismic data relies on combining them
with complementary observations in order to form a consistent picture of the
star under study. Today I will present some spectroscopic observations of a
detached eclipsing binary with a pulsating delta Scuti component.
Initial analysis places this object on the red-edge of the instability
strip, and the tight constraints on the parameters already restrict the
mode-identification of the oscillation frequency.
Future work involves disentangling the spectra to perform an atmospheric
abundance analysis: this will relieve the tight correlation between age and
metallicity as well as a further restriction on the mode-identification.
H. Lehmann -
TW Dra: Spectral disentangling of an unusual triple system
TW Dra is an Algol-type system where the primary shows Delta Sct-like
oscillations. Based on a time series of high-resolution spectra taken
at the 2-m telescope at Tautenburg observatory we want to derive the
system and basic stellar parameters and to study mass-tranfer and
oscillations and their possible connection. Since TW Dra is also a
member of a close visual binary, sporadically varying contributions of
the third component occur in the composite spectra, depending on the
seeing conditions and slit orientation during the observations. The
talk focuses on the spectral disentangling using KOREL which was used
in a first step to clean the observations from the effects of orbital
motion and to derive stellar parameters from the disentangled spectra.
It describes in particular the problems in disentangling and
normalization of the spectra due to the very special observational
V. Senavci -
The Echelle Spectra of SW Lac
J. Elner -
Applications of Fourier disentangling on the spectra of multiple stars
Fourier disentangling is one of progressive methods developed for decomposition of composite spectra of multiple stellar systems. We apply code KOREL (Hadrava, 2004) to study several stellar systems, to obtain individual spectra of their components, to precise their orbital parameters and even unreveal so far undetected components as well as suggest their physical nature. Secular changes of the orbital parameters can be studied as well. These calculations can be treated as a test of applicability, functionality and limitations of the presented method and some conclusions can be discussed.
P. Lampens -
Spectra disentangling and combined orbital solution for the Hyades
binary Theta 2 Tau
Last update 09.09.2008