First summer school on disentangling of spectra

Ondřejov, Czech Republic 15.9.2008 - 19.9.2008

First Announcement

Rationale: Observation of binary stars yields a basic way to understanding the realm of stars and thus also the deep universe. In particular, actual dimensions and masses of binaries can be calculated from radial velocity of the orbital motion. However, both the measurement of the Doppler shifts as well as the reconstruction of spectra of the individual binary components is generally complicated by the blending of their spectra. To overcome this problem, the technique of the so called spectra disentangling has been developed, which finds simultaneously in an iterative procedure the orbital parameters and component spectra from time series of observed spectra. This technique, and in particular its version solving the mathematical problem effectively by means of Fourier transform, has been applied successfully to many binary and multiple stellar systems. On the other hand, in some cases users failed for various reasons. The aim of this summer school is thus to teach the attendants how to use the technique of Fourier disentangling, to explain its principle, limitations and some tricks to overcome possible troubles.

Programme: In morning sessions the theory of the disentangling and related techniques will be explained. Afternoon sessions will be devoted to practical training and solution of real data.

The number of participants is limited to 30 because of limited space for practical exercises in the afternoons. The school is aimed at postgraduate students, post-docs and researchers working in the field of binary star research. Interested participants should send an e-mail expressing the intention to participate and motivation to the address k08 (at) as soon as possible, but not later than 29th June 2008.
Last update 20.06.2008