Jiří Kubát - List of publications


  1. Shenar T., Bodensteiner J., Sana H., Crowther P. A., Lennon D J., Abdul-Masih M., Almeida L. A., Backs F., Berlanas S. R., Bernini-Peron M., Bestenlehner J. M., Bowman D. M., Bronner V. A., Britavskiy N., de Koter A., de Mink S. E., Deshmukh K., Evans C. J., Fabry M., Gieles M., Gilkis A., González-Torà G., Gräfener G., Götberg Y., Hawcroft C., Hénault-Brunet V., Herrero A., Holgado G., Janssens S., Johnston C., Josiek J., Justham S., Kalari V. M., Katabi Z. Z., Keszthelyi Z., Klencki J., Kubát J., Kubátová B., Langer N., Lefever R. R., Ludwig B., Mackey J., Mahy L., Maíz Apellániz J., Mandel I., Maravelias G., Marchant P., Menon A., Najarro F., Oskinova L. M., Ovadia R., Patrick L. R., Pauli D., Pawlak M., Ramachandran V., Renzo M., Rocha D. F., Sander A. A. C., Sayada T., Schneider F. R. N., Schootemeijer A., Schösser E. C., Schürmann C., Sen K., Shahaf S., Simón-Díaz S., Stoop M., van Loon J. Th., Toonen S., Tramper F., Valli R., van Son L. A. C., Vigna-Gómez A., Villaseñor J. I., Vink J. S., Wang C., Willcox R., 2024, "Binarity at LOw Metallicity (BLOeM) I: a spectroscopic VLT monitoring survey of massive stars in the SMC", Astron. Astrophys. 690, A289, 22p.
  2. Kajan M., Krtička J., Kubát J., 2024, " Unveiling stellar aurorae: simulating auroral emission lines in hot stars induced by high-energy irradiation", Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 531, 1776 - 1788
  3. Krtička J., Benáček J., Budaj J., Korčáková D., Pál A., Piecka M., Zejda M., Bakış V., Brož M., Chang H.-K., Faltová N., Gális R., Jadlovský D., Janík J., Kára J., Kolář J., Krtičková I., Kubát J., Kubátová B., Kurfürst P., Labaj M., Merc J., Mikulášek Z., Münz F., Paunzen E., Prišegen M., Ramezani T., Rievajová T., Řípa J., Schmidtobreick L., Skarka M., Szász G., Weiss W., Werner N., 2024, "Science with a small two-band UV-photometry mission II: Observations of stars and stellar systems", Space Sci. Rev. 220, 24 (34pp)
  4. Krtička J., Krtičková I., Janík J., Németh P., Kubát J., Vučković M., 2024, "Hot subdwarf wind models with accurate abundances II. Helium dominated merger products CD-46 8926 and CD-51 11879", Astron. Astrophys, 683, A80 (10pp)
  5. Krtička J., Kubát J., Krtičková I., 2024, "New mass-loss rates of Magellanic Cloud B supergiants from global wind models", Astron. Astrophys. 681, A29 (8pp)

  6. Iliev L., Kubát J., Kubátová B., Dankova L., 2023, "Spectral activity episode of Be-shell star Pleione in 2013-2018", Bulg. Astron. J. 39, 1 - 9
  7. Fišák J., Kubát J., Kubátová B., Kromer M., Krtička J., 2023, "Progress towards a 3-D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code for outflow wind modeling", Astron. Astrophys. 670, A41 (22pp)

  8. Krtička J., Kubát J., Krtičková I., 2022, "X-ray irradiation of the stellar wind in HMXBs with B supergiants: Implications for ULXs", Astron. Astrophys. 659, A117 (11pp)

  9. Kubát J., Kubátová B., 2021, "Spherically symmetric model atmospheres using approximate lambda operators V. Static inhomogeneous atmospheres of hot dwarf stars", Astron. Astrophys. 655, A35 (16pp)
  10. Gormaz-Matamala A. C., Curé M., Hillier D. J., Najarro F., Kubátová B., Kubát J., 2021, "Self-consistent solutions for line-driven winds of hot massive stars using Lambert W -function", Astrophys. J. 920, 64 (30pp)
  11. Krtička J., Kubát J., Krtičková I., 2021, "New mass-loss rates of B supergiants from global wind models", Astron. Astrophys. 647, A28 (13pp)

  12. St-Louis N., Piaulet C., Richardson N. D., Shenar T., Moffat A. F. J., Eversberg T., Hill G. M.,Gauza B., Knapen J. H., Kubát J., Kubátová B., Sablowski D. P., Simón-Dı́az S., Bolduan F., Dias F. M., Dubreuil P., Fuchs D., Garrel T., Grutzeck G., Hunger T., Küsters D., Langenbrink M., Leadbeater R., Li D., Lopez A., Mauclaire B., Moldenhawer T., Potter M.,E.M. dos Santos E. M., Schanne L., Schmidt J., Sieske H., Strachan J., Stinner E., Stinner P., Stober B., Strandbaek K., Syder T., Verilhac D., Waldschläger U., Weiss D., Wendt A., 2020, "An Extensive Spectroscopic Time Series of Three Wolf Rayet Stars − II. A Search for Wind Asymmetries in the Dust-Forming WC7 Binary WR137", Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 497, 4448 - 4458
  13. Krtička J., Kubát J., Krtičková I., 2020, "Stellar wind models of central stars of planetary nebulae", Astron. Astrophys 635, A173 (14pp)

  14. Krtička J., Janík J., Krtičková I., Mereghetti S., Pintore F., Németh P., Kubát J., Vučković M., 2019, "Hot subdwarf wind models with actual abundances I. Hydrogen dominated stars HD 49798 and BD+18 2647", Astron. Astrophys 631, A75 (11pp)
  15. Kubátová B., Szécsi D., Sander A. A. C., Kubát J., Tramper F., Krtička J., Kehrig C., Hamann W.-R., Hainich R., Shenar T., 2019, "Low-metallicity massive single stars with rotation II. Predicting spectra and spectral classes of chemically-homogeneously evolving stars", Astron. Astrophys. 623, A8 (32pp)
  16. Tichý A., Kubát J., 2019, "The effect of horizontal plasma inhomogeneities in 3D NLTE radiation transfer in stellar atmospheres", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 225, 249 - 257

  17. Krtička J., Kubát J., Krtičková I., 2018, "Wind inhibition by X-ray irradiation in HMXBs: the influence of clumping and the final X-ray luminosity" , Astron. Astrophys. 620, A150 (14pp)
  18. Fišák J., Kubát J., Krtička J., 2018, "Studying coherent scattering in the CP stars atmospheres, Contrib. Astron. Obs, Skalnaté Pleso 48, 213 - 217
  19. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2018, "Global hot star wind models for stars from Magellanic Clouds", Astron. Astrophys. 612, A20 (11pp)

  20. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2017, "Comoving frame models of hot star winds II. Reduction of O star wind mass-loss rates in global models", Astron. Astrophys. 606, A31 (12pp)
  21. Kahraman Aliçavuş F., Soydugan E., Smalley B., Kubát J., 2017, "Eclipsing binary stars with a δ Scuti component" Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 470, 915 - 931

  22. Krtička J., Kubát J., Krtičková I., 2016, "Stellar wind models of subluminous hot stars", Astron. Astrophys. 593, A101 (14pp)
  23. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2016, "Influence of X-ray radiation on the wind ionization state and on the radiative force", Adv. Space Res. 58, 710 - 718
  24. Aldoretta E. J., St-Louis N., Richardson N. D., Moffat A. F. J., Eversberg T., Hill G. M., Shenar T., Artigau É., Gauza B., Knapen J. H., Kubát J., Kubátová B., Maltais-Tariant R., Muñoz M., Pablo H., Ramiaramanantsoa T., Richard-Laferrière A., Sablowski D. P., Simón-Díaz S., St-Jean L., Bolduan F., Dias F. M., Dubreuil P., Fuchs D., Garrel T., Grutzeck G., Hunger T., Küsters D., Langenbrink M., Leadbeater R., Li D., Lopez A., Mauclaire B., Moldenhawer T., Potter M., dos Santos E. M., Schanne L., Schmidt J., Sieske H., Strachan J., Stinner E., Stinner P., Stober B., Strandbaek K., Syder T., Verilhac D., Waldschläger U., Weiss D., Wendt A., 2016, "An extensive spectroscopic time-series of three Wolf-Rayet stars. I. The lifetime of large-scale structures in the wind of WR 134", Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 460, 3407 - 3417
  25. Fišák J., Krtička J., Munzar D., Kubát J., 2016, "Rayleigh scattering in the atmospheres of hot stars", Astron. Astrophys. 590, A95 (6pp)
  26. Kubát J., Kubátová B., Doležalová B., Iliev L., Šlechta M., 2016, "Spectroscopy of close visual binary components of the stable shell star 1 Del", Astron. Astrophys. 587, A22 (5pp)

  27. Kraus M., Haucke M., Cidale L. S., Venero R. O. J., Nickeler D. H., Németh P., Niemczura E., Tomić S., Aret A., Kubát J., Kubátová B., Oksala M. E., Curé M., Kamiński K., Dimitrov W., Fagas M., Polińska M., 2015, "The interplay between pulsations and mass loss in the blue supergiant 55 Cygnus = HD 198478", Astron. Astrophys. 581, A75 (22pp)
  28. Krtička J., Kubát J., Krtičková I., 2015, "X-ray irradiation of the winds in binaries with massive components", Astron. Astrophys. 579, A111 (15pp)

  29. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2014, "The effect of rotational mixing and metallicity on the hot star wind mass-loss rates", Astron. Astrophys. 567, A63 (7pp)
  30. Koubský P., Kotková L., Kraus M., Yang S., Šlechta M., Harmanec P., Wolf M., Votruba V., Kubát J., Kubátová B., Niemczura E., Škoda P., 2014, "HD 161306: a radiatively interacting Be binary?", Astron. Astrophys. 567, A57 (4pp)

  31. Šurlan B., Hamann, W.-R., Aret A., Kubát J., Oskinova L., Torres A. F., 2013, "Macroclumping as solution of the discrepancy between Hα and P v mass loss diagnostics for O-type stars", Astron. Astrophys. 559, A130 (17pp)
  32. Kučerová B., Korčáková D., Polster J., Wolf M., Votruba V., Kubát J., Škoda P., Šlechta M., 2013, "Time-Dependent Spectral-Feature Variations of Stars with the B[e] Phenomenon II. MWC 342", Astron. Astrophys. 554, A143 (26pp)

  33. Kubát J., 2012, "Spherically symmetric NLTE model atmospheres of hot hydrogen-helium first stars", Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 203, 20 (10pp)
  34. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2012, "Influence of extreme ultraviolet radiation on P V ionization fraction in hot star winds", Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 427, 84 - 90
  35. Krtička J., Kubát J., Skalický J., 2012, "X-ray photoionized bubble in the wind of Vela X-1 pulsar supergiant companion", Astrophys. J. 757, 162 (6pp)
  36. Polster J., Korčáková D., Votruba V., Škoda P., Šlechta M., Kučerová B., Kubát J., 2012, "Time-dependent spectral-feature variations of stars displaying the B[e] phenomenon - I. V2028 Cygni", Astron. Astrophys. 542, A57 (6pp)
  37. Šurlan B., Hamann, W.-R., Kubát J., Oskinova L., Feldmeier A., 2012, "Three-dimensional radiative transfer in clumped hot star winds I. Influence of clumping on the resonance line formation", Astron. Astrophys. 541, A37 (11pp)

  38. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2011, "Improved velocity law parameterization for hot star winds", Astron. Astrophys. 534, A97 (3pp)
  39. Vennes S., Kawka A., Jonić S., Pirković I., Iliev L., Kubát J., Šlechta M., Németh P., Kraus M., 2011, "On the nature of the Be star HR 7409 (7 Vul)", Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 413, 2760 - 2766
  40. Muijres L., de Koter A., Vink J., Krtička J., Kubát J., Langer N., 2011, "Predictions of the effect of clumping on the mass-loss rates of O-type stars", Astron. Astrophys. 526, A32 (11pp)

  41. Mayer P., Drechsel H., Kubát J., Šlechta M., 2010, "The O-type eclipsing binary SZ Cam revisited", Astron. Astrophys. 524, A1 (5pp)
  42. Votruba V., Feldmeier A., Krtička J., Kubát J., 2010, Multicomponent stellar wind from hot subdwarfs stars", Astrophys. Space Sci. 329, 159 - 161
  43. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2010, "NLTE wind models of hot subdwarf stars", Astrophys. Space Sci. 329, 145 - 150
  44. Kawka A., Vennes S., Németh P., Kraus M., Kubát J., 2010, "Two new hot subdwarf binaries in the GALEX survey", Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 408, 992 - 998
  45. Kubát J., Saad, S. M., Kawka A., Nouh M. I., Iliev L., Uytterhoeven K., Korčáková D., Hadrava P., Škoda P., Votruba V., Dovčiak M., Šlechta M., 2010, "Spectroscopic analysis of the B/Be visual binary HR 1847", Astron. Astrophys. 520, A103 (17pp)
  46. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2010, "Comoving frame models models of hot star winds I. Test of the Sobolev approximation in the case of pure line transitions", Astron. Astrophys. 519, A50 (9pp)
  47. Krtička J., Votruba V., Kubát J., 2010, "Weak wind effects in CNO driven winds of hot first stars", Astron. Astrophys. 516, A100 (9pp)
  48. Nemravová J., Harmanec P., Kubát J., Koubský P., Iliev L., Yang S., Ribeiro J., Šlechta M., Kotková L., Wolf M., Škoda P., 2010, "Properties and nature of Be stars 27. Orbital and recent long-term variations of the Pleiades Be star Pleione = BU Tauri", Astron. Astrophys. 516, A80 (10pp)
  49. Oláh K., Korhonen H., Vida K., Ilyin L., Dall T. H., Järvinen S. P., Jurcsik J., Andersen M. I., Djupvik A. A., Pursimo T., Datson J., Karjalainen R., Liimets T., Kubát J., Kawka A., 2010, "The young solar type active star(s) TYC 2627-638-1", Astron. Astrophys. 515, A81
  50. Saad S. M., Kubát J., Nouh M. I., Hamdy M. A., 2010, "On correlation of Hα, iron and oxygen line strengths in some B, Be and shell stars", Astrophys. Space Sci. 325, 7 - 14

  51. Krtička J., Feldmeier A., Oskinova L., Kubát J., Hamann, W.-R., 2009, "X-ray emission from hydrodynamical simulations in non-LTE wind models", Astron. Astrophys. 508, 841 - 848
  52. Kraus M., Borges Fernandes M., Kubát J., 2009, "Parameters of galactic B supergiants. The influence of the wind on the interstellar extinction determination", Astron. Astrophys. 499, 291 - 299
  53. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2009, NLTE models of line-driven stellar winds III. Influence of X-ray radiation on wind structure of O stars", Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 394, 2065 - 2079
  54. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2009, "CNO driven winds of hot first stars", Astron. Astrophys. 493, 585 - 593

  55. Kraus M., Borges Fernandes M., Kubát J., Araújo, F. X. de, 2008, "From B[e] to A[e]. Tracking the evolution of the SMC supergiant LHA 115-S23 (AzV 172)", Astron. Astrophys. 487, 697 - 707
  56. Krtička J., Kubát J., Votruba V., 2008, "Multicomponent stellar winds of B stars", Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnaté Pleso 38, 425 - 426
  57. Kraus M., Kubát J., Krtička J., 2008, "On the importance of the wind emission to the optical continuum of OB supergiants", Astron. Astrophys. 481, 499 - 506

  58. Votruba V., Feldmeier A., Kubát J., Rätzel D., 2007, "A hydrodynamic scheme for two-component winds from hot stars", Astron. Astrophys. 474, 549 - 555
  59. Kubát J., Korčáková D., Kawka A., Pigulski A, Šlechta M., Škoda P., 2007, "The Hα stellar and interstellar emission in the open cluster NGC 6910", Astron. Astrophys. 472, 163 - 167
  60. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2007, "Hot star wind models with new solar abundances" , Astron. Astrophys. 464, L17 - L20

  61. Krtička J., Kubát J., Groote D., 2006, "Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds IV. On the helium decoupling in the wind of σ Ori E", Astron. Astrophys. 460, 145 - 153
  62. Saad S. M., Kubát J., Korčáková D., Koubský P., Škoda P., Šlechta M., Kawka A., Budovičová A., Votruba V., Šarounová L., Nouh M. I., 2006, "Observations of Hα, iron, and oxygen lines in B, Be, and shell stars", Astron. Astrophys. 450, 427 - 430
  63. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2006, "The winds of hot massive first stars", Astron. Astrophys. 446, 1039 - 1049

  64. Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2005, "Radiative transfer in moving media II. Solution of the radiative transfer equation in axial symmetry", Astron. Astrophys. 440, 715 - 725
  65. Saad S. M., Kubát J., Hadrava P., Harmanec P., Koubský P., Škoda P., Šlechta M., Korčáková D., Yang S., 2005, "Spectrum disentangling and orbital solution for κ Dra", Astrophys. Space Sci. 296, 173 - 177

  66. Krtička J., Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2004, "Challenges to the theories of B stars circumstellar environment", Astron. Nachr. 325, SI1, 19 - 19
  67. Saad S. M., Kubát J., Koubský P., Harmanec P., Škoda P., Korčáková D., Krtička J., Šlechta M., Božić H., Ak H., Hadrava P., Votruba V., 2004, "Properties and nature of Be stars 23. Long-term variations and physical properties of the Be star κ Dra", Astron. Astrophys. 419, 607 - 621
  68. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2004, "NLTE models of line-driven stellar winds I. Method of calculation and first results for O stars", Astron. Astrophys. 417, 1003 - 1016
  69. Kubát J., Krtička J., Pustylnik I. B., 2004, "Radiation induced coronal wind in late B stars", New Astronomy 9, 215 - 224

  70. Krtička J., Owocki S. P., Kubát J., Galloway R. K., Brown J. C., 2003, "On multicomponent effects in stellar winds of stars at extremely low metallicity", Astron. Astrophys. 402, 713 - 718
  71. Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2003, "Radiative transfer in moving media I. Discontinuous finite element method for one-dimesional atmospheres", Astron. Astrophys. 401, 419 - 428

  72. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2002, "Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds III. Radiative-acoustic waves in a two-component wind", Astron. Astrophys. 388, 531 - 539

  73. Pustylnik I., Pustynski V., Kubát J., 2001, "Reprocessing of Lc in irradiated atmospheres of unevolved companions in precataclysmic binaries (PCB) as a sensitive tool of measuring the temperatures of hot subdwarf primaries", Odessa Astron. Publ. 14, 87 - 90
  74. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2001, "Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds II. Gayley-Owocki heating in multitemperature winds of OB stars", Astron. Astrophys. 377, 175 - 191
  75. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2001, "Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds I. Nonisothermal three-component wind of hot B stars", Astron. Astrophys. 369, 222 - 238
  76. Kubát J., 2001, "Spherically symmetric model atmospheres using approximate lambda operators IV. Computational details of the thermal balance method", Astron. Astrophys. 366, 210 - 214

  77. Harmanec P., Habuda P., Štefl S., Hadrava P., Korčáková D., Koubský P., Krtička J., Kubát J., Škoda P., Šlechta M., Wolf M., 2000, "Properties and nature of Be stars 20. Binary nature and orbital elements of γ Cas", Astron. Astrophys. 364, L85 - L88
  78. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2000, "Isothermal two-component stellar wind in hot stars", Astron. Astrophys. 359, 983 - 990
  79. Koubský P., Harmanec P., Hubert A.-M., Floquet M., Kubát J., Ballereau D., Božić H., Chauville J., Holmgren D., Yang S., Cao H., Eenens P., Huang L., Percy J. R., 2000, "Properties and nature of Be stars 19. Spectral and light variability of 60 Cygni", Astron. Astrophys. 356, 913 - 928

  80. Kubát J., 1999, "The sphericity effects in the NLTE model atmospheres of hot post-AGB stars", New Astronomy 4, 157 - 165
  81. Kubát J., Puls J., Pauldrach A. W. A., 1999, "Thermal balance of electrons in calculations of model stellar atmospheres", Astron. Astrophys. 341, 587 - 594

  82. Kubát J., Holmgren D., Rentzsch-Holm I., 1998, "On the planetary companions of the solar-type stars", Astron. Astrophys. 332, 842 - 844

  83. Koubský P., Harmanec P., Kubát J., Hubert A.-M., Božić H., Floquet M., Hadrava P., Hill G., Percy J. R., 1997, "Properties and nature of Be stars 18. Spectral, light and colour variations of 4 Herculis", Astron. Astrophys. 328, 551 - 564
  84. Kubát J., 1997, "Spherically symmetric model atmospheres using approximate lambda operators III. The equations of statistical equilibrium with occupation probabilities", Astron. Astrophys. 326, 277 - 286
  85. Kubát J., 1997, "The effect of increasing helium abundance on the NLTE model atmospheres of hot white dwarfs", Astron. Astrophys. 324, 1020 - 1026
  86. Kubát J., 1997, "On the NLTE plane-parallel and spherically symmetric model atmospheres of helium rich central stars of planetary nebuale", Astron. Astrophys. 323, 524 - 528
  87. Holmgren D., Hadrava P., Harmanec P., Koubský P., Kubát J., 1997, "Search for forced oscillations in binaries 2. beta Scorpii A. New physical parameters and a search for line profile variability", Astron. Astrophys. 322, 565 - 575
  88. Harmanec P., Hadrava P., Yang S., Holmgren D., North P., Koubský P., Kubát J., Poretti E., 1997, "Search for forced oscillations in binaries 1. The eclipsing and spectroscopic binary V436 Per", Astron. Astrophys. 319, 867 - 880

  89. Horn J., Kubát J., Harmanec P., Koubský P., Hadrava P., Šimon V., Štefl S., Škoda P., 1996, "Spectroscopic orbit of the triple star 55 Ursae Majoris", Astron. Astrophys. 309, 521 - 529
  90. Kubát J., 1996, "Spherically symmetric model atmospheres using approximate lambda operators II. Simple method for calculation of both plane-parallel and spherically symmetric static model atmospheres" , Astron. Astrophys. 305, 255 - 264

  91. Kubát J., 1995, "The sphericity effects in the NLTE model atmospheres of hot white dwarfs", Astron. Astrophys. 299, 803 - 808

  92. Kubát J., 1994, "Spherically symmetric model atmospheres using approximate lambda operators I. First results for static NLTE atmospheres", Astron. Astrophys. 287, 179 - 190

  93. Boyarchuk A. A., Hubený I., Kubát J., Lyubimkov L. S., Sakhibullin N. A., 1988, "Non-LTE effects in the atmosphere of F-type supergiants III. Analysis of Na I lines (results of computations)", Astrofizika 28, 343 - 353
  94. Boyarchuk A. A., Hubený I., Kubát J., Lyubimkov L. S., Sakhibullin N. A., 1988, "Non-LTE effects in the atmosphere of F-type supergiants II. Analysis of Na I lines (the method of computations)", Astrofizika 28, 335 - 342
  95. Dimitrov D. L., Kubát J., 1988, "The interacting binary beta Lyr III. Non-LTE analysis of He I lines and a possibility for an extended outer atmosphere", Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechosl. 39, 265 - 289

  96. Kubát J., Karlický M., 1986, "Electrical conductivity in the solar photosphere and chromosphere", Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechosl. 37, 155 - 163
accepted for publication


  1. Shore S. N., Čechura J., Korčáková D., Kubát J., Škoda P., Šlechta M., Votruba V., Alton K., Antao D., Barbotin E., Berardi P., Blank T., Bohlsen P., Boubault F. Boyd D., Briol, J., Buchet, Y., Buil C., Charbonnel S., Dubreuil P., Dubs M., Edlin J., France T. de, Favaro A., Gerlach P., Garde O., Graham K., Greenan D., Guarro J., Hansen T., Hyde D., Lemoult T., Leadbeater R., Martineau G., Masviel J. P., Mauclaire B., Montier J., Pollmann E., Potter M., Ribeiro J., Schramm B., Thizy O., Terry J.-N., Teyssier F., 2013, "Continuing spectroscopic observations (3600-8800A) of V339 Del = Nova Del 2013 in the early nebular stage with the Nordic Optical Telescope, Ondrejov Observatory and the ARAS group", Astron. Tel. 5546

  2. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2012, "Influence of X-ray Radiation on Wind Structure of Hot Stars", Be Star Newsletter 40, 22

  3. Škoda P., Kubát J., Votruba V., Šlechta M., Podskalský Z., Karták M., 2007, "Nova Vulpeculae 2007", Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams 1035, 1
  4. Kubát J., Niemczura, E., 2007, "Nova Cygni 2007", Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams 894, 1

  5. Korčáková D., Mikulášek Z., Kawka A., Kubát J., Hornoch K., Šarounová L., Kušnirák P., Hadrava P., Wolf M., Šlechta M., Škoda P., Dovčiak M., Libich J., 2005, "Spectroscopic and photometric observations of SN 2004dj", Inf. Bull. Var. Stars 5605


  1. Werner N., Řípa J., Münz F., Hroch F., Jelínek M., Krtička J., Zajaček M., Topinka M., Dániel V., Gromeš J., Václavík J., Steiger L., Lédl V., Seginak J., Benáček J., Budaj J., Faltová N., Gális R., Jadlovský D., Janík J., Kajan M., Karas V., Korčáková D., Kosiba M., Krtičková I., Kubát J., Kubátová B., Kurfürst P., Labaj M., Mikulášek Z., Pál A., Paunzen E., Piecka M., Prišegen M., Ramezani T., Skarka M., Szász G., Thöne C., Zejda M., 2022, "Quick Ultra-VIolet Kilonova surveyor (QUVIK)", in Proc. SPIE 12181, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 121810B

  2. Kubát J., Kubátová B., 2021, "Wind models of massive stars and mass-loss rates determination", in Proc. of the XIX National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia, A. Kovačević, J. Kovačević Dojčinović, D. Marčeta, & D. Onić eds., Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade 100, 107 - 114

  3. Krtička J., Kubát J., Krtičková I., 2019, "Wind inhibition in HMXBs: the effect of clumping and implications for X-ray luminosity", in High-mass X-ray binaries: illuminating the passage from massive binaries to merging compact objects, L. M. Oskinova, E. Bozzo, T. Bulik, & D. Gies eds., IAU Symp 346, 28 - 33
  4. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2019, "Hot star wind mass-loss rate predictions at low metallicity", in Dwarf Galaxies: From the Deep Universe to the Present, K. B. W. McQuinn & S. Stierwalt eds., IAU Symp 344, 208 - 210
  5. Fišák J., Kubát J., Kubátová B., Kromer M., Krtička J., 2019, "3-D NLTE Monte Carlo radiative transfer code for stellar wind modeling", in Radiative signatures from the cosmos, K. Werner, C. Stehlé, T. Rauch, & T. M. Lanz eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser. Vol. 519, p. 15 - 20
  6. Kubát J., Kubátová B., 2019, "Inclusion of inhomogeneities in static NLTE model atmospheres", in Radiative signatures from the cosmos, K. Werner, C. Stehlé, T. Rauch, & T. M. Lanz eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser. Vol. 519, p. 45 - 50
  7. Doležalová B., Kubátová B., Kubát J., Hamann W.-R., 2019, "The Quasi-WR star HD 45166 revisited", in Radiative signatures from the cosmos, K. Werner, C. Stehlé, T. Rauch, & T. M. Lanz eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser. Vol. 519, p. 197 - 200,
  8. Kubátová B., Hamann W.-R., Kubát J., Oskinova L.M., 2019, "3D Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer in inhomogeneous massive star winds – application to resonance line formation modeling", in Radiative signatures from the cosmos, K. Werner, C. Stehlé, T. Rauch, & T. M. Lanz eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser. Vol. 519, p. 209 - 212

  9. Fišák J., Kubát J., Krtička J., 2018, "Rayleigh scattering as an opacity source in stellar atmospheres", in Workshop on Astrophysical Opacities, C. Mendoza, S. Turck-Chiéze, & J. Colgan eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser. 515, 207 - 212
  10. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2018, "METUJE global hot star wind models", in Workshop on Astrophysical Opacities, C. Mendoza, S. Turck-Chiéze, & J. Colgan eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser. 515, 201 - 206

  11. Krtička J., Kubát J., Krtičková I., 2017, "Wind inhibition by X-ray irradiation in high-mass X-ray binaries", in The lives and death-throes of massive stars, J. J. Eldridge, J. C. Bray, L. A. S. McClelland, & L. Xiao eds., IAU Symposium 329, p. 417
  12. Kříček R., Korčáková D., Jeřábková T., Klement R., Miroshnichenko A., Danford S., Kubát J., Kučerová B., Škoda P., Šlechta M., Wolf M., 2017, "Spectral Variations and Simple Models of FS CMa", in The B[e] Phenomenon: Forty Years of Studies, eds. A. S. Miroshnichenko, S. Zharikov, D. Korčáková, M. Wolf, ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 508, p. 411 - 412
  13. Korčáková D., Polster J., Jeřábková T., Rutsch P., Kříček R., Kučerová B., Šlechta M., Škoda P., Votruba V., Juryšek J., Kubát J., 2017, "Long-term Spectroscopic Monitoring of B[e] Stars at the Ondřejov Observatory", in The B[e] Phenomenon: Forty Years of Studies, eds. A. S. Miroshnichenko, S. Zharikov, D. Korčáková, M. Wolf, ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 508, p. 301 - 306
  14. Fišák J., Kubát J., Krtička J., 2017, "Rayleigh scattering by helium in stellar atmospheres", in The B[e] Phenomenon: Forty Years of Studies, eds. A. S. Miroshnichenko, S. Zharikov, D. Korčáková, M. Wolf, ASP Conf. Series Vol. 508, p. 115 - 120
  15. Kubátová B., Kubát J., Hamann W.-R., Oskinova L., 2017, "Clumping in massive star winds and its possible connection to the B[e] phenomenon", in The B[e] Phenomenon: Forty Years of Studies, eds. A. S. Miroshnichenko, S. Zharikov, D. Korčáková, M. Wolf, ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 508, p. 45 - 50
  16. Kahraman Aliçavuş F., Soydugan E., Kubát J., Kotková L., 2017, "Determination of Atmospheric Parameters of δ Scuti Stars", in Turkish Physics Society 32th International Physics Congress, B. Akkuş, Y. Öktem, G. S. Doğan, & F. Güzelçimen eds., AIP Conf. Proc. 1815, 080013

  17. Tichý A., Štěpán J., Trujillo Bueno J., Kubát J., 2015, "Formation of polarized spectral lines in atmospheres with horizontal inhomogeneities", in Polarimetry: From the Sun to Stars and Stellar Environments, K. N. Nagendra, S. Bagnulo, R. Centeno & M. J. Martínez González eds., IAU Symp. 309, p. 401 - 406
  18. Fišák J., Krtička J., Kubát J., 2015, "Rayleigh Scattering in the Atmospheres of Hot Stars", in Physics and Evolution of Magnetic and Related Stars, D. O. Kudryavtsev, Yu. Ty. Balega, & I. I. Romanyuk eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific. Conf. Ser. Vol. 494, p. 273 - 279

  19. Kubát J., 2014, "Basics of the NLTE physics", in Determination of Atmospheric Parameters of B-, A-, F- and G-Type Stars, E. Niemczura, B. Smalley, & W. Pych eds., GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, Springer Verlag Berlin, p. 149 - 157
  20. Kubát J., Šurlan B., 2014, "NLTE analysis of spectra: OBA stars", in Determination of Atmospheric Parameters of B-, A-, F- and G-Type Stars, E. Niemczura, B. Smalley, & W. Pych eds., GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, Springer Verlag Berlin, p. 159 - 168
  21. Kubát J., 2014, "Current status of NLTE analysis of stellar atmospheres", in Determination of Atmospheric Parameters of B-, A-, F- and G-Type Stars, E. Niemczura, B. Smalley, & W. Pych eds., GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, Springer Verlag Berlin, p. 207 - 216

  22. Kubát J., Šurlan B., 2013, "Mass-loss rates of hot stars", in Future science with metre-class telescopes, S. Samurović, M. Mičić & B. Vukotić eds., Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade 92, 137 - 146
  23. Šurlan B., Hamann W.-R., Kubát J., Oskinova L. M., Feldmeier A., 2013, "Modeling of resonance lines in inhomogeneous hot star winds", in Future science with metre-class telescopes, S. Samurović, M. Mičić & B. Vukotić eds., Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade 92, 197 - 200
  24. Iliev L., Kubát J., 2013, "Spectral changes in the stable shell star 1 Del", Bulg. Astron. J. 19, 3 - 8
  25. Šurlan B., Hamann W.-R., Kubát J., Aret A., Oskinova L. M., 2013, "Macroclumping resolves discrepancy between Hα and P v mass-loss diagnostics", in Massive Stars: From α to Ω, online, id. 48
  26. Kubát J., Šurlan B., Hamann W.-R., Oskinova L. M., 2013, "Phosphorus ionization in massive star winds", in Massive Stars: From α to Ω, online, id. 79

  27. Šurlan B., Hamann, W.-R., Kubát J., Oskinova L., Feldmeier A., 2012, "3-D Monte Carlo radiative transfer in the inhomogeneous stellar wind", in Four Decades of Research on Massive Stars, C. Robert, N. St-Louis & L. Drissen eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific. Conf. Ser. Vol. 465, p. 134 - 138
  28. Kubát J., Šurlan B., 2012, "Validity of clumping approximations for mass-loss rates determination", in Four Decades of Research on Massive Stars, C. Robert, N. St-Louis & L. Drissen eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific. Conf. Ser. Vol. 465, p. 128 - 132
  29. Iliev L., Vennes S., Kawka A., Kubát J., Németh P., Borisov G., Kraus M., 2012, "Spectroscopic study of the extremely fast rotating star 44 Geminorum", Bulg. Astron. J. 18, 20 - 27

  30. Krtička J., Feldmeier A., Oskinova L., Kubát J., Hamann, W.-R., 2011, "X-ray emission from hydrodynamical wind simulations in non-LTE models", in Active OB stars: structure, evolution, mass loss, and critical limits, IAU Symp. 272, C. Neiner, G. Wade, G. Meynet & G. Peters eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 614 - 615
  31. Šurlan B., Kubát J., 2011, "Line profiles of OB star winds using Monte Carlo method", in Active OB stars: structure, evolution, mass loss, and critical limits, IAU Symp. 272, C. Neiner, G. Wade, G. Meynet & G. Peters eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 214 - 215

  32. Kubát J., Saad S. M., Šlechta M., Yang S., 2010, "New disk-loss phase of the binary Be star κ Dra", in Binaries - Key to Comprehension of the Universe, A. Prša & M. Zejda eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 435, p. 359
  33. Polster J., Korčáková D., Votruba V., Koubský P., Škoda P., Šlechta M., Hadrava P., Kučerová B., Kubát J., 2010, "B[e] Phenomenon in a Binary System V2028 Cyg", in Binaries - Key to Comprehension of the Universe, A. Prša & M. Zejda eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 435, p. 399
  34. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2010, "NLTE models of Vela X-1 primary wind", in Binaries - Key to Comprehension of the Universe, A. Prša & M. Zejda eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 435, p. 405
  35. Ceniga M., Kubát J., 2010, "Rapidly Rotating Winds of Hot Stars", in WDS'10 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part III – Physics (eds. J. Šafránková & J. Pavlů), Prague, Matfyzpress, pp. 145 - 150
  36. Šurlan B., Kubát J., 2010, "Monte Carlo radiative transfer in stellar wind", in T. R. Gull & A. Damineli, JD13 – Eta Carinae in the Context of the Most Massive Stars, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 15, p. 373 - 398, p. 396
  37. Borges Fernandes M., Kraus M., Chesneau O., Kubát J., Domiciano de Souza A., de Araújo F. X., Stee P., Meilland A. 2010, "On the peculiar variations of two southern B[e] stars", in T. R. Gull & A. Damineli, JD13 – Eta Carinae in the Context of the Most Massive Stars, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 15, p. 373 - 398, p. 390
  38. Kubát J., 2010, "Radiative transfer in stellar atmospheres", in Non-LTE Line Formation for Trace Elements in Stellar Atmospheres, R. Monier, B. Smalley, G. Wahlgren, & Ph. Stee eds., EAS Publ. Ser. 43, 1 - 18
  39. Kubát J., 2010, "Statistical equilibrium equations for trace elements in stellar atmospheres", in Non-LTE Line Formation for Trace Elements in Stellar Atmospheres, R. Monier, B. Smalley, G. Wahlgren, & Ph. Stee eds., EAS Publ. Ser. 43, 43 - 54
  40. Iliev L., Kubát J., 2010, "Spectral behavior of "stable" shell star HD 179343", in Recent Insights into our Universe, V. Mioc, N. A. Popescu, & C. Dumitrache eds., Romanian Astron. J. 20 Suppl., 33 - 37

  41. Kubát J., 2009, "Static spherically symmetric NLTE model atmospheres near the Eddington limit", in Recent directions in astrophysical quantitative spectroscopy and radiation hydrodynamics, I. Hubeny, J. M. Stone, K. MacGregor & K. Werner eds., AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1171, p. 357 - 358
  42. Korčáková D., Votruba V., Kubát J., Werner K., Škoda P., Nagel T., 2009, "Radiative Transfer in Axial Symmetry", in Recent directions in astrophysical quantitative spectroscopy and radiation hydrodynamics, I. Hubeny, J. M. Stone, K. MacGregor & K. Werner eds., AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1171, p. 359 - 360
  43. Molenda-Żakowicz J., Jerzykiewicz M., Kopacki G., Frasca A., Catanzaro G., Latham D. W., Niemczura E., Narwid, A., Stęslicki M., Arentoft T., Kubát J., Drobek D., Dimitrow W., 2009, "Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of Kepler Asteroseismic Targets", in Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation, J. A. Guzik & P. A. Bradley eds., AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1170, p. 531 - 534
  44. Kubát J., Šurlan B., 2009, "NLTE model atmospheres of hot stars", in Proc. of the XV National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia, Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade 86, 51 - 58
  45. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2009, "CNO driven winds of hot first stars", in IAU Symp. 255: Low-Metallicity Star Formation: From the First Stars to Dwarf Galaxies, I. F. Corbett ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 405
  46. Borges Fernandes, M., Kraus, M., Kubát J., de Araújo, F. X., 2009, "LHA 115-S 23, from B[e] to A[e]: A highly precessing system or a chemically peculiar object?", in IAU Symp. 256: The Magellanic System: Stars, Gas, and Galaxies, ed. J. T. van Loon & J. M. Oliveira, Cambridge Univ. Press, PDF-4
  47. Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2009, "The solution of the radiative transfer equation in axial symmetry", in Numerical methods for multidimensional radiative transfer, G. Kanschat, E. Meinköhn, R. Rannacher & R. Wehrse eds., Springer-Verlag Berlin, p. 237 - 246
  48. Kubát J., 2009, "Radiative transfer in NLTE model atmospheres", in Numerical methods for multidimensional radiative transfer, G. Kanschat, E. Meinköhn, R. Rannacher & R. Wehrse eds., Springer-Verlag Berlin, p. 227 - 236

  49. Kubát J., Saad S. M., Kawka A., Nouh M. I., Iliev L., Korčáková D., Hadrava P., Škoda P., Uytterhoeven K., Votruba V., Dovčiak M., Šlechta M., 2008, "Spectroscopy of the visual binary HR 1847", in Proc. 1st Middle East-African Regional IAU Meeting, A. A. Hady & M. I. Wanas eds., Cairo Univ. Press, p. 91 - 94
  50. Nouh M. I., Saad S. M., Kubát J., Hamdy M. A., Abo-Elazm M. S., Ibrahim I. A., Elkhamisy M. A., Zaid I., 2008, "Model Atmosphere Parameters of the Spectroscopic Binaries α CrB and α Vir", in Proc. 1st Middle East-African Regional IAU Meeting, A. A. Hady & M. I. Wanas eds., Cairo Univ. Press, p. 95 - 98
  51. Krtička J., Muijres L., Puls J., Kubát J., de Koter A., 2008, "The influence of inhomogeneities on hot star wind model predictions", in The Art of Modelling Stars in the 21st Century, IAU Symp. 252, L. Deng, K. L. Chan & C. Chiosi eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 283 - 287
  52. Ceniga M., Krtička J., Kubát J., 2008, "Stationary model of a line driven wind with rotation", in Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters, A. de Koter, L. Smith, & L. B. F. M. Waters eds, ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 388, p. 155 - 156
  53. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2008, "The Influence of X-ray Emission on the Stellar Wind of O Stars", in Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters, A. de Koter, L. Smith, & L. B. F. M. Waters eds, ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 388, p. 189 - 190
  54. Krtička J., Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2008, "Influence of the frictional heating on the wind line-profiles of SMC stars", in Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters, A. de Koter, L. Smith, & L. B. F. M. Waters eds, ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 388, p. 191 - 192
  55. Votruba V., Feldmeier A., Kubát J., Nikutta, R. 2008, "Multicomponent stellar wind of hot stars", in Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters, A. de Koter, L. Smith, & L. B. F. M. Waters eds, ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 388, p. 229 - 230
  56. Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2008, "Radiative transfer models for Be stars", in Perspectives in Radiative Transfer and Interferometry, S. Wolf, F. Allard & Ph. Stee eds., EAS Publ. Ser. 28, 23 - 30
  57. Kraus M., Kubát J., Krtička J., 2008, "Wind emission of OB supergiants and the influence of clumping", in Clumping in Hot Star Winds, W.-R. Hamann, A. Feldmeier & L. Oskinova eds., Potsdam, Univ.-Verl., p. 51 - 54
  58. Krtička J., Puls J., Kubát J., 2008, "The influence of clumping on predicted O star wind parameters", in Clumping in Hot Star Winds, W.-R. Hamann, A. Feldmeier & L. Oskinova eds., Potsdam, Univ.-Verl., p. 111 - 114
  59. Kubát J., Saad S. M., 2008, "Moving absorption bumps in the spectra of Be stars", in Clumping in Hot Star Winds, W.-R. Hamann, A. Feldmeier & L. Oskinova eds., Potsdam, Univ.-Verl., p. 245 - 245
  60. Votruba V., Feldmeier A., Kubát J., Rätzel D., 2008, "Multicomponent stellar wind of hot stars", in Clumping in Hot Star Winds, W.-R. Hamann, A. Feldmeier & L. Oskinova eds., Potsdam, Univ.-Verl., p. 252 - 252
  61. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2008, "The mass loss from hot Pop III stars", in First Stars III, B. W. O'Shea, A. Heger, & T. Abel eds., AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 990, Melville, New York, p. 254 - 256
  62. Koubský P., Daflon S., Hadrava P., Cunha K., Kubát J., Korčáková D., Škoda P., Šlechta M., Votruba V., Smith V. V., Bizyaev D., 2008, "A Spectroscopic Study of HD 208905", in Multiple Stars Across the H-R Diagram, S. Hubrig, M. Petr-Gotzens, & A. Tokovikin eds., ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer Verlag, p. 67 - 70

  63. Michalska G., Kubát J., Korčáková D., Kawka A., Ceniga M., Kučerová B., Votruba V., 2007, "The multiple system SZ Cam", in Binary Stars as Critical Tools & Tests in Contemporary Astrophysics, IAU Symp. 240, W. Hartkopf, E. Guinan, & P. Harmanec eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 555 - 557
  64. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2007, "Radiatively Driven Winds of OB Stars - from Micro to Macro", in Active OB-Stars: Laboratories for Stellar & Circumstellar Physics, S. Štefl, S. P. Owocki, & A. T. Okazaki eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 361, p. 153 - 164
  65. Votruba V., Feldmeier A., Kubát J., Nikutta R., 2007, "Time-dependent simulation of a multicomponent stellar wind", in Active OB-Stars: Laboratories for Stellar & Circumstellar Physics, S. Štefl, S. P. Owocki, & A. T. Okazaki eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 361, 165 - 171
  66. Kubát J., 2007, "Radiative force and circumstellar disks", in Active OB-Stars: Laboratories for Stellar & Circumstellar Physics, S. Štefl, S. P. Owocki, & A. T. Okazaki eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 361, p. 281 - 287
  67. Iliev L. H., Koubský P., Kubát J., Kawka A., 2007, "Recent development of current Be-phase of Pleione", in Active OB-Stars: Laboratories for Stellar & Circumstellar Physics, S. Štefl, S. P. Owocki, & A. T. Okazaki eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 361, p. 440 - 442
  68. Saad S. M., Hadrava P., Kubát J., Šlechta M., Škoda P., 2007, "Disentangling of Algol Spectra", in Active OB-Stars: Laboratories for Stellar & Circumstellar Physics, S. Štefl, S. P. Owocki, & A. T. Okazaki eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 361, p. 482 - 484

  69. Nouh M. I., Hadrava P., Kubát J., Saad S. M., Hassan I. A., El-Khamisy M. A., 2006, "Spectroscopic analysis of the eclipsing binary α CrB", NRIAG J. Astron. Astrophys. Special Issue - 11th General Scientific Meeting of NRIAG, p. 301 - 310
  70. Saad S. M., Hadrava P., Kubát J., Nouh M. I., Hassan I. A., Ibrahim I. Z.., 2006, "New orbital elements and spectrum disentangling of α Vir", NRIAG J. Astron. Astrophys. Special Issue - 11th General Scientific Meeting of NRIAG, p. 311 - 322
  71. Kubát J., 2006, "Discussion session: How does the B[e] phenomenon fit into current stellar wind and evolution theories?", in Stars with the B[e] phenomenon, M. Kraus & A. S. Miroshnichenko eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 355, p. 79 - 84
  72. Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2006, "Solution of the Radiative Transfer Equation in Rotating Atmospheres and in Winds", in Stars with the B[e] phenomenon, M. Kraus & A. S. Miroshnichenko eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 355, p. 75 - 78
  73. Kučerová B., Korčáková D., Kubát J., Šlechta M., Votruba V., Škoda P., Hadrava P., 2006, "Observations of B[e] stars with the Ondřejov 2m telescope", in Stars with the B[e] phenomenon, M. Kraus & A. S. Miroshnichenko eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 355, p. 355 - 358
  74. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2006, "Mass Loss from Massive Zero-Metallicity Stars" , in Stellar Evolution at Low Metallicity: Mass Loss, Explosions, Cosmology, H. J. G. L. M. Lamers, N. Langer, T. Nugis, & K. Annuk eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 353, p. 133 - 139
  75. Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2006, "Radiative transfer in axial symmetry, in Radiative Transfer and Applications to Very Large Telescopes, Ph. Stee ed., EAS Publ. Ser. Vol. 18, p. 67 - 76

  76. Krtička J., Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2005, "Challenges to the theories of B stars circumstellar environment", in Active B stars, J. Kubát ed., Publ. Astron. Inst. Czech. 93, 29 - 35
  77. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2005, "Stellar winds and the circumstellar environment of massive first stars", in From Lithium to Uranium: Elemental Tracers of Early Cosmic Evolution, IAU Symp. 228, V. Hill, P. François & F. Primas eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 165 - 166
  78. Kubát J., Krtička J., 2005, "Heating in the stellar winds of hot stars", Aerospace Res. Bulg. 20, 199 - 205
  79. Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2005, "Emergent Line Profiles From Rapidly Rotating Stars", Mem. S. A. It. Suppl. 7, 130 - 131
  80. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2005, "Mass-loss and multicomponent flow from central stars of planetary nebulae", 14th Europen Workshop on White Dwarfs, D. Koester & S. Moehler eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 334, p. 337 - 340
  81. Korčáková D., Kubát J., Kawka A., 2005, "The Solution of the Radiative Transfer Equation in Accretion Discs of Cataclysmic Variables", 14th Europen Workshop on White Dwarfs, D. Koester & S. Moehler eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 334, p. 403 - 406

  82. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2004, "Multicomponent stellar winds of He chemically peculiar stars", in Magnetic stars, Yu. Glagolevskij, D. Kudryavtsev, & I. Romanyuk eds., Nizhnij Arkhyz, p. 234 - 240
  83. Kubát J., Korčáková D., 2004, "Standard model atmospheres for A-type stars and non-LTE effects", in The A Star Puzzle, IAU Symp. 224, J. Zverko, J. Žižňovský, S. J. Adelman & W. W. Weiss eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 13 - 22
  84. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2004, "NLTE wind models of A supergiants", in The A Star Puzzle, IAU Symp. 224, J. Zverko, J. Žižňovský, S. J. Adelman & W. W. Weiss eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 23 - 28
  85. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2004, "Multicomponent stellar wind and chemical peculiarity in A stars", in The A Star Puzzle, IAU Symp. 224, J. Zverko, J. Žižňovský, S. J. Adelman & W. W. Weiss eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 201 - 207
  86. Korčáková D., Kubát J., Krtička J., Šlechta M., 2004, "Synthetic spectra of A supergiants", in The A Star Puzzle, IAU Symp. 224, J. Zverko, J. Žižňovský, S. J. Adelman & W. W. Weiss eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 533 - 538
  87. Budovičová A., Kubát J., Hadrava P., Šlechta M., Korčáková D., Dovčiak M., Škoda P., 2004, "Orbital solution of A-type binaries α Dra and Mizar A using spectrum disentangling", in The A Star Puzzle, IAU Symp. 224, J. Zverko, J. Žižňovský, S. J. Adelman & W. W. Weiss eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 923 - 927
  88. Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2004, "NLTE model atmospheres with rotation", in Stellar Rotation, IAU Symp. 215, A. Maeder & P. Eenens eds., ASP, p. 25 - 26
  89. Kubát J., Krtička J., Pustylnik I. B., Votruba V., 2004, "The possibility of a disk formation around late B stars", in Stellar Rotation, IAU Symp. 215, A. Maeder & P. Eenens eds., ASP, p. 49 - 50
  90. Kubát J., Krtička J., 2004, "Frictional heating of a corona", in Stars as Suns: Activity, Evolution, and Planets, A. K. Dupree & A. O. Benz eds., IAU Symp. 219, Astron. Soc. Pacific, p. 953 - 956
  91. Kubát J., Krtička J., 2004, "Decoupling of helium in the winds of chemically peculiar stars", in Variable Stars in the Local Group, D. Kurtz & K. Pollard eds., IAU Coll. 193, ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 310, p. 439 - 442

  92. Kubát J., 2003, "Calculation of spherically symmetric NLTE model atmospheres using ALI and a thermal balance method", in Modelling of Stellar Atmospheres, IAU Symp. 210, N. E. Piskunov, W. W. Weiss & D. F. Gray eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific, A8 (16pp)
  93. Kubát J., 2003, "NLTE formation of oxygen lines in irradiated stellar atmospheres", in Modelling of Stellar Atmospheres, IAU Symp. 210, N. E. Piskunov, W. W. Weiss & D. F. Gray eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific, B6 (10pp)
  94. Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2003, "Solution of the radiative transfer equation in axial symmetry", in Modelling of Stellar Atmospheres, IAU Symp. 210, N. E. Piskunov, W. W. Weiss & D. F. Gray eds., Astron. Soc. Pacific, B8 (7pp)
  95. Kubát J., Krtička J., 2003, "Instability caused by a multicomponent nature of radiatively-driven stellar winds", in Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram, M. J. Thompson, M. S. Cunha, & M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ., p. 525 - 528
  96. Kubát J., 2003, "A computer code for calculation of NLTE model atmospheres using ALI", in Stellar Atmosphere Modelling, I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas & K. Werner eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 288, p. 87 - 90
  97. Kubát J., 2003, "Calculation of temperature using thermal balance of electrons", in Stellar Atmosphere Modelling, I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas & K. Werner eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 288, p. 91 - 94
  98. Hadrava P., Kubát J., 2003, "Limb darkening and line-profile variations in eclipsing binaries", in Stellar Atmosphere Modelling, I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas & K. Werner eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 288, p. 149 - 152
  99. Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2003, "Discontinuous finite element method in moving media", in Stellar Atmosphere Modelling, I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas & K. Werner eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 288, p. 255 - 258
  100. Votruba V., Kubát J., 2003, "Instabilities in radiation driven stellar winds", in Stellar Atmosphere Modelling, I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas & K. Werner eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 288, p. 263 - 266

  101. Koubský P., Harmanec P., Hubert A.-M., Floquet M., Kubát J., Ballereau D., Božić H., Chauville J., Holmgren D., Yang S., Cao H., Eenens P., Huang L., Percy J. R., 2000, "Spectral and light variability of Be star 60 Cygni", in The Be Phenomenon in Early-Type Stars, IAU Coll.175, M. A. Smith, H. F. Henrichs & J. Fabregat eds., ASP Conf. Series Vol. 214, p. 280 - 283
  102. Kubát J., 2000, "NLTE model atmospheres of irradiated stars in B binaries", in The Be Phenomenon in Early-Type Stars, IAU Coll. 175, M. A. Smith, H. F. Henrichs & J. Fabregat eds., ASP Conf. Series Vol. 214, p. 705 - 708
  103. Krtička J., Kubát J., 2000, "Two-component stellar wind in hot stars", in Thermal and ionization aspects of flows from hot stars: Observations and theory, H. J. G. L. M. Lamers & A. E. Sapar eds., ASP Conf. Series Vol. 204, p. 235 - 236

  104. Kubát J., Puls J., Pauldrach A. W. A., 1999, "Thermal balance of electrons as a tool for the determination of the temperature structure of model stellar atmospheres", in 11th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, J.-E. Solheim & E. Meištas eds., ASP Conf. Series Vol. 169, p. 451 - 456

  105. Kubát J., Koubský P., Harmanec P., Hubert A. M., Hadrava P., 1998, "Wind and jets in the Be star 4 Her", in Cyclical Variability in Stellar Winds, L. Kaper & A. W. Fullerton eds., ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer Verlag Berlin, p. 139 - 139
  106. Kubát J., 1998, "Current status of the investigation of the triple star 55 UMa", in Proceedings of the 20th Stellar Conference of the Czech and Slovak Astronomical Institutes, J. Dušek & M. Zejda eds., Nicholas Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium, Brno, p. 77 - 80

  107. Kubát J., 1997, "The sphericity effects in model atmospheres of central stars of planetary nebulae", in Planetary Nebulae, IAU Symp. 180, H. J. Habing & H. J. G. L. M. Lamers eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ., p. 117 - 117
  108. Kubát J., 1997, "The sphericity effects in the NLTE model atmospheres of white dwarfs", in White Dwarfs, J. Isern, M. Hernanz & E. Garcia-Berro eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ., p. 229 - 235

  109. Kubát J., 1996, "Comparison of spherically symmetric and plane-parallel NLTE model stellar atmospheres", in Physical Processes in Interacting Binaries, D. Chochol, A. Skopal & T. Pribulla eds., Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Tatranska Lomnica, p. 125 - 128
  110. Holmgren D., Hadrava P., Harmanec P., Koubský P., Kubát J., 1996, "A search for rapid line variability in early type binary systems. Some recent results", in Physical Processes in Interacting Binaries, D. Chochol, A. Skopal & T. Pribulla eds., Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Tatranska Lomnica, p. 18 - 19
  111. Kubát J., 1996, "Calculations of spherically symmetric NLTE model atmospheres", in Model Atmospheres and Spectrum Synthesis, S. J. Adelman, F. Kupka & W. W. Weiss eds., ASP Conf. Series Vol. 108, p. 165 - 169
  112. Kubát J., 1996, "Sphericity effects in helium rich NLTE model atmospheres", in Hydrogen Deficient Stars, C. S. Jeffery & U. Heber eds., ASP Conf. Series Vol. 96, p. 266 - 266

  113. Kubát J., 1995, "Spherically symmetric and plane parallel NLTE model atmospheres for hot high gravity stars", in White Dwarfs, D. Koester & K. Werner eds., Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 443, Springer Verlag Berlin, p. 133 - 133
  114. Kubát J., 1995, "Spherically Symmetric NLTE Model Atmospheres Using Approximate Lambda Operators", in Astrophysical Applications of Powerful New Databases, S. J. Adelman & W. L. Wiese eds., ASP Conf. Series Vol. 78, p. 473 - 477

  115. Kubát J., 1994, "Static spherically symmetric NLTE model atmospheres using approximate lambda operators", in 18th Stellar Conference of Czech and Slovak Astronomical Institutions, P. Hadrava, Z. Stuchlík & S. Hledík eds., Phys. Publ. Vol. 1, Silesian University Opava, p. 78 - 81
  116. Kubát J., 1994, "Modelování sféricky symetrických atmosfér", in 18th Stellar Conference of Czech and Slovak Astronomical Institutions, P. Hadrava, Z. Stuchlík & S. Hledík eds., Phys. Publ. Vol.1, Silesian University Opava, p. 72 - 77
  117. Kubát J., 1994, "Static spherically symmetric NLTE model atmospheres of A stars using approximate lambda operators - first results", in Chemically Peculiar and Magnetic Stars, J. Zverko and J. Žižňovský eds., Astronomical Institute, Slovak Acad. Sci., Tatranská Lomnica, p. 69 - 71

  118. Boyarchuk A. A., Denisenkov P. A., Hubený I., Ivanov V. V., Kubát J., Lyubimkov L. S., Sakhibullin N. A., 1988, "Overabundance of sodium in the atmospheres of massive supergiants as a possible manifestation of NeNa cycle", in Atmospheric Diagnostics of Stellar Evolution: Chemical Peculiarity, Mass Loss, and Explosion, Proc. IAU Colloq. No.108, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 305, Springer Verlag Berlin, p. 94 - 96
  119. Dimitrov D. L., Kubát J., 1988, "On the non-LTE analysis of He I lines in the atmosphere of beta Lyr", in 10th ERAM of the IAU, P.Harmanec ed., p. 307 - 310
accepted for publication


  1. Vlachová J., Kubát J., 2013, "Spolupráce s DAAD", Akademický Bulletin 10/2013, 6 - 7
  2. Kubát J., 1994, "Spherically Symmetric NLTE Model Atmospheres Using Approximate Lambda Operators", in Astronomy Posters Abstracts, H. van Woerden ed., Twin Press, Sliedrecht, p.257
  3. Kubát J., 1994, "The model atmosphere problem (NLTE)", in Numerical Methods for Multidimensional Radiative Transfer Problems, workshop at the University of Heidelberg, organized by R. Rannacher, S. Turek & R. Wehrse, Universitaet Heidelberg

Habilitation thesis

Kubát J., 2013, "Hot stars and their atmospheres", habilitation thesis, Masaryk University Brno

PhD thesis

Kubát J., 1993, "Sféricky symetrické modely hvězdných atmosfér", Astronomický ústav AV ČR Ondřejov, supervisor Petr Heinzel

Diploma thesis

Kubát J., 1985, "Generace elektrických proudů ve sluneční atmosféře. Ohmův zákon, vodivosti a vývoj přederupčního stavu.", MFF UK Praha, supervisor Marian Karlický
Last update: 20.1.2025