Kubát J., 1995,
"Spherically symmetric and plane parallel NLTE model atmospheres for
hot high gravity stars",
in White Dwarfs, D.Koester & K.Werner eds., Lecture Notes in
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Springer Verlag Berlin,
p.133 - 133
- autocitations:
- 1995:
Kubát J., 1995,
"The sphericity effects in the NLTE model atmospheres of hot white
Astron. Astrophys. 299, 803
Kubát J., 1996,
"Comparison of spherically symmetric and plane-parallel NLTE model
stellar atmospheres",
in Physical Processes in Interacting Binaries, D.Chochol, A.Skopal &
T.Pribulla eds., Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Tatranská Lomnica, p. 125 - 128
Kubát J., 1997,
"The sphericity effects in the NLTE model atmospheres of white
in White Dwarfs, J.Isern, M.Hernanz & E.Garcia-Berro eds., Kluwer
Acad. Publ., p. 229
Kubát J., 1997,
"On the NLTE plane-parallel and spherically symmetric model
atmospheres of helium rich central stars of planetary nebuale",
Astron. Astrophys. 323, 524 - 528
Kubát J., 1997,
"The effect of increasing helium abundance on the NLTE model
atmospheres of hot white dwarfs",
Astron. Astrophys. 324, 1020 - 1026
Kubát J., 1999,
"The sphericity effects in the NLTE model atmospheres of hot post-AGB
stars", New Astronomy, 4, 157 - 165