Votruba V., Feldmeier A., Kubát J., Rätzel D., 2007,
"A hydrodynamic scheme for two-component winds from hot stars",
Astron. Astrophys. 474, 549 - 555
- e-mail
a copy for personal use:
- some citations
- 2008:
Unglaub, K. 2008,
"Mass-loss and diffusion in subdwarf B stars and hot white dwarfs: do
weak winds exist?",
Astron. Astrophys. 486, 923 - 940
- 2009:
Cranmer, S. R.
"A Pulsational Mechanism for Producing Keplerian Disks Around Be
Astrophys. J. 701, 396 - 413
- 2011:
Oskinova, L. M.; Todt, H.; Ignace, R.; Brown, J. C.; Cassinelli, J. P.;
Hamann, W.-R.; 2011,
"Early magnetic B-type stars: X-ray emission and wind
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 416, 1456 - 1474
- 2012:
Li, B.; Li, X., 2012,
"Modeling the Multi-component Solar Wind: A few Numerical Aspects
and Potential Applications to Stellar Winds",
in Numerical modeling of space plasma flows, N. V. Pogorelov, J. A.
Font, E. Audit, & G. P. Zank eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 459. p. 216
- 2014:
Krtička J.,
"Mass loss in main-sequence B stars",
Astron. Astrophys. 564, A70
- some autocitations
- 2009:
Krtička J., Kubát J.,
"CNO driven winds of hot first stars",
Astron. Astrophys. 493, 585 - 593
- 2010:
Krtička J., Votruba, V., Kubát J.,
"Weak wind effects in CNO driven winds of hot first stars",
Astron. Astrophys. 516, 100
Krtička, J.; Kubát, J., 2010,
"NLTE wind models of hot subdwarf stars",
Astrophys. Space Sci. 329, 145 - 150
Votruba, V.; Feldmeier, A.; Krtička, J.; Kubát, J., 2010,
"Multicomponent stellar wind from hot subdwarfs stars",
Astrophys. Space Sci. 329, 159 - 161
- 2012:
Polster, J.; Korčáková, D.; Votruba, V.; Škoda, P.; Šlechta, M.;
Kučerová, B.; Kubát, J. 2012,
"Time-dependent spectral-feature variations of stars displaying the
B[e] phenomenon. I. V2028 Cygni",
Astron. Astrophys. 542, A57
Last update 09.08.2012