Kubát, J.; Saad, S. M.; Kawka, A.; Nouh, M. I.; Iliev, L.; Uytterhoeven,
K.; Korčáková, D.; Hadrava, P.; Škoda, P.; Votruba, V.; Dovčiak, M.;
Šlechta, M.;
"Spectroscopic analysis of the B/Be visual binary HR 1847",
Astron. Astrophys. 520, A103
- pdf,
a copy for personal use:
- some citations:
- 2012:
Voulgaris A. G., Gaintatzis P. S., Seiradakis J. H., Pasachoff J. M.,
Economou T. E.,
"Spectroscopic Coronal Observations During the Total Solar Eclipse of
11 July 2010",
Solar Phys. 278, 187 - 202
- weak autocitations:
- 2013:
Nouh M. I., Saad S. M., Korany B., Elkhamisy M. A., 2013,
"Spectroscopic Analysis of the Eclipsing Binary α CrB",
J. Astrophys. Astron. 34, 193 - 205
- autocitations:
Last update 13.11.2013