Krtička J., Kubát J., 2001,
"Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds II. Gayley-Owocki
heating in multitemperature winds of OB stars",
Astron. Astrophys. 377, 175 - 191
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"Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds III.
Radiative-acoustic waves in a two-component wind",
Astron. Astrophys. 388, 531 - 539
Krtička, J., 2003,
"Modeling of Multicomponent Radiatively Driven Stellar Winds Using a
Newton-Raphson Method",
in Stellar Atmosphere Modelling, I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas & K. Werner
eds., ASP Conf. Ser., p. 259 - 262
Krtička J., Owocki S. P., Kubát J., Galloway R. K.,
Brown J. C., 2003,
"On multicomponent effects in stellar winds of stars at extremely low
metallicity", Astron. Astrophys. 402, 713 - 718
Krtička J., Kubát J., 2004,
"NLTE models of line-driven stellar winds. I. Method of calculation
and first results for O stars",
Astron. Astrophys. 417, 1003 - 1016
Krtička J., Barrett R. K., Brown J. C., Owocki S. P., 2004,
"Kinematic model inversions of hot star recurrent DAC data - tests
against dynamical CIR models",
Astron. Astrophys. 417, 1039 - 1045
Krtička J., Kubát J., 2004,
"Multicomponent stellar winds of He chemically peculiar stars",
in Magnetic stars, Yu. Glagolevskij, D. Kudryavtsev, & I. Romanyuk
eds., Nizhnij Arkhyz, p. 234 - 240
Krtička J., Korčáková D., Kubát J., 2005,
"Challenges to the theories of B stars circumstellar environment",
in Active B stars, J. Kubát ed., Publ. Astron. Inst. Czech.
93, 29 - 35
Krtička J., Kubát J., 2005,
"Mass-loss and multicomponent flow from central stars of planetary
nebulae", in 14th Europen Workshop on White Dwarfs, D. Koester &
S. Moehler eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 334, p. 337 - 340
Krtička J., Kubát J., 2006,
"The winds of hot massive first stars",
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Krtička, J.; 2006,
"NLTE models of line-driven stellar winds - II. O stars in the Small
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Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 367, 1282 - 1296
Krtička J. 2006,
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in Stellar Evolution at Low Metallicity: Mass Loss, Explosions, Cosmology,
H. J. G. L. M. Lamers, N. Langer, T. Nugis, & K. Annuk eds.,
ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 353, p. 147 - 148
Krtička J., Kubát J., Groote D., 2006,
"Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds IV. On the helium
decoupling in the wind of σ Ori E",
Astron. Astrophys. 460, 145 - 153
Krtička J., Kubát J., 2007,
"Radiatively Driven Winds of OB Stars - from Micro to Macro",
in Active OB-Stars: Laboratories for Stellar & Circumstellar Physics,
S. Štefl, S. P. Owocki, & A. T. Okazaki eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 361,
p. 153 - 164
Votruba V., Feldmeier A., Kubát J., Rätzel D., 2007,
"A hydrodynamic scheme for two-component winds from hot stars",
Astron. Astrophys. 474, 549 - 555
Votruba V., Krtička J., Kubát J., 2010,
"Weak wind effects in CNO driven winds of hot first stars",
Astron. Astrophys. 516, A100
Last update 13.11.2014