Krtička J., Kubát J.,
"NLTE models of line-driven stellar winds III. Influence of X-ray
radiation on wind structure of O stars",
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 394, 2065 - 2079
- pdf,
a copy for personal use:
- some citations:
- 2009:
Marcolino, W. L. F.; Bouret, J. -C.; Martins, F.; Hillier, D. J.; Lanz,
T.; Escolano, C.; 2009,
"Analysis of Galactic late-type O dwarfs: more constraints on the
weak wind problem",
Astron. Astrophys. 498, 837 - 852
Sundqvist, J. O.; Puls, J.; Feldmeier, A.;
"Mass loss from inhomogeneous hot star winds. I. Resonance line
formation in 2D models",
Astron. Astrophys. 510, A11
Waldron, W. L.; Cassinelli, J. P.
"The Importance of XUV Radiation as a Solution to the P V Mass Loss
Rate Discrepancy in O Stars",
Astrophys. J. 711, L30 - L34
Cohen, D. H.; Leutenegger, M. A.; Wollman, E. E.; Zsargó, J.; Hillier,
D. J.; Townsend, R. H. D.; Owocki, S. P.
"A mass-loss rate determination for ζ Puppis from the quantitative
analysis of X-ray emission-line profiles",
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 405, 2391 - 2405
Sundqvist, J. O.; Puls, J.; Feldmeier, A.; Owocki, S. P., 2011,
"Mass loss from inhomogeneous hot star winds II. Constraints from a
combined optical/UV study",
Astron. Astrophys. 528, A64
Kholtygin, A. F.; Sudnik, N. P.; Burlakova, T. E.; Valyavin, G. G. 2011,
"Line-profile microvariability in OB-star spectra: the Supergiant
λ Cep (O6If(n))",
Astron. Rep. 55, 1105 - 1114
Puls, J.; 2011,
"Winds from massive stars",
Mem. Soc. Astron. It. 82, 774
Bouret, J.-C.; Hillier, D. J.; Lanz, T.; Fullerton, A. W., 2012,
"Properties of Galactic early-type O-supergiants. A combined FUV-UV
and optical analysis",
Astron. Astrophys. 544, A67
Puebla, R. E.; Hillier, D. J.; Zsargó, J.; Cohen, D. H.; Leutenegger, M.
A., 2016,
"X-ray, UV and optical analysis of supergiants: ɛ Ori",
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 456, 2907 - 2936
- autocitations:
- 2009:
Krtička, J.; Feldmeier, A.; Oskinova, L. M.; Kubát, J.;
Hamann, W.-R.; 2009,
"X-ray emission from hydrodynamical simulations in non-LTE wind
Astron. Astrophys. 508, 841 - 848
Krtička, J.; Kubát, J.; 2010,
"Comoving frame models of hot star winds. I. Test of the Sobolev
approximation in the case of pure line transitions",
Astron. Astrophys. 519, A50
Krtička, J.; Kubát, J.; 2010,
"NLTE wind models of hot subdwarf stars",
Astrophys. Space Sci. 329, 145 - 150
Šurlan, B.; Hamann, W.-R.; Kubát, J.; Oskinova, L. M.; Feldmeier,
A., 2012,
"Three-dimensional radiative transfer in clumped hot star winds. I.
Influence of clumping on the resonance line formation",
Astron. Astrophys. 541, A37
Krtička J., Kubát J., Skalický J., 2012,
"X-Ray Photoionized Bubble in the Wind of Vela X-1 Pulsar Supergiant
Astrophys. J. 757, 162
Krtička J., Kubát J., 2012,
"Influence of extreme ultraviolet radiation on the P V ionization
fraction in hot star wind",
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 427, 84 - 90
Krtička J.,
"Mass loss in main-sequence B stars",
Astron. Astrophys. 564, A70
Last update 16.12.2012