Pavel Kotrc

Contact information

Postal address:
Astronomical Institute, v.v.i.
Solar Department
25165 Ondrejov
Czech Republic


 +420 323 620 222
 +420 323 620 110

Education and academic qualification:
1972, Mgr., Finished study of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences UJEP (today Masaryk University) Brno
1980, RNDr., Astrophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
1980, CSc., (analogy of PhD) Solar Physics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague
Career overview:
1972 - 1980, assistant; 1980 – to date, scientist, Solar department, Astronomical Institute Ondrejov
Scientific activities:
Research topics: Solar atmosphere, flares, surges, prominences, coronal loops, spectral observation and analysis, diagnostics of the solar activity phenomena, solar corona, eclipses of the Sun, instrumentation. PI, Co-PI or Co-I on several solar physics projects. Responsible person for modernization of large optical solar spectrograph and its activity. A member of solar eclipse expeditions to east Siberia (1981 and 1997), Romania & Hungary (1999), Angola (2001 and 2002) and China (2009).
Longer foreign missions:
ISZF Irkutsk, Russia; Hvar Observatory, Croatia; Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ukraine; National Solar Observatory Sacramento Peak, USA; Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France; Izana Observatory, Canary Islands, Spain.
University and organisation activities:
Since 1992 an external lecturer on spectroscopy at the Charles University at Prague, an external lecturer on solar physics at the Masaryk University at Brno in 2000, a supervisor of student diploma theses and tutor of student‘s practise.
A member of the International Astronomical Union, a representative of the Czech Republic in JOSO (Joint Organisation for Solar Observation). A member of the Editorial Board of the Hvar Observatory Bulletin (now Central European Astrophysical Bulletin) since 2004.
Author and co-author of about 150 papers.

List of publications Solar eclipse Activities My hobby Tenerife, 2002