JENAM 98 ======== September 9 - 12, 1998 ______________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION FORM ______________________________________________________________________ Prof. Dr. Mr. Mrs. Miss Ordinary/Junior Member of E.A.S YES / NO Family Name: ......................................................... First Name and Initials: ............................................. Organization (Institute, University): ................................ Institute (Department): .............................................. Street (or other type of location): .................................. Town (including Postal Code): ...................................... Country: ............................................................. Phone ..................................... Fax ..................................... E-mail ..................................... CONFERENCE FEE =============== I will pay the general registration fee (USD 120) YES / NO I will pay the E.A.S. ordinary member fee (USD 100) YES / NO I will pay the E.A.S. junior member fee (USD 50) YES / NO I will pay the PhD students fee - no E.A.S.members (USD 80) YES / NO I will pay the accompanying persons' fee (USD 40) YES / NO Number of accompanying persons: ....... Name of the accompanying person(s): .................................. CONFERENCE DINNER ================== I will take part in the conference dinner (Thursday, September 10, 1998) - Price USD 40 YES / NO No. of tickets: ..... I am a vegetarian YES / NO CONTRIBUTIONS ============= I am presenting a paper(s) YES / NO Title of this paper: ...................................................................... ...................................................................... Co-authors:........................................................... ...................................................................... ASSOCIATED MEETINGS =================== I will take part in the "Solar Eclipse 1999" Workshop (Tue, Sept. 8, 1998) - see the 2nd Announcement YES / NO I am enclosing the special Registration Form for this workshop) YES / NO I will take part in the Plenary Meeting of the Czech Astronom. Soc. (Su, Sept. 13, 1998) - see the 2nd Announcement YES / NO ACCOMMODATION ============= Male Female Arrival ........................ Departure....................... Nights in total................. Type of accommodation HOTEL 1/1 (USD) 1/2*(USD) 1/2 single user (USD) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotel HOLIDAY INN 150 145 150 Hotel PYRAMIDA 60 88 75 Hotel SPLENDID 57 79 79 Hotel KRYSTAL 47 66 47 Hostel KAJETANKA 15 25 15 Hostel ESTEC 14 20 14 * I prefer a double-bed room YES / NO or a twin-bed room YES / NO I am ready to share a double-bed room with another participant YES / NO Name of this participant: ...................................................................... TOURS ===== Tour (Information on tours see below) A Praha (Prague Castle) We, Sept 9, 1998 30 B Karlstejn Thu, Sept. 10, 1998 40 C Konopiste Fri, Sept. 11, 1998 40 Order of interest: ............................................. Number of tickets: ............................................. Date: ..................................... Signature: ................................ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION ON TOURS IMPORTANT REMARK: Because of the "minimum condition" (i.e. if the number of registered participants is smaller than the minimum required, see description) it may help in the organization of excursions if you would kindly mark with numbers 1 or 2 your first, resp. second choice in the column Order of interest and in the corresponding row. Tour A: Prague Castle Price: USD 30 Wednesday, Sept. 9, 1998 Includes a visit of the Santa Casa, valuable Loretto Treasure (a tower with the famous carillon), of the Prague Castle (former residence of the Kings of Bohemia, the most widely visited national cultural monument, Old Royal Palace - Vladislav Hall, the Golden Gate, St. Vitus Cathedral, St. George's Convent. Half day tour in the afternoon ending with a small dinner. Minimum 15 persons. Tour B: Karlstejn Price: USD 40 Thursday, Sept. 10, 1998 Charles IV had the castle built in 1348 - 67 to put up numerous set of saintsī remains and to secure the imperial Coronation Jewels of the Kings of Bohemia. Half-day tour (starting in the morning after breakfast) ending with a small lunch. Minimum 15 persons. Tour C: Konopiste Price: USD 40 Friday, Sept. 11, 1998 A gothic castle from the beginning of 14th century, later many times rebuilt, used to be a best-loved seat of Archduke Franz Ferdinand d'Este, successor to the Austrian throne. From his time there are interior furnishings, a large art collection and exceptional collections of historical weapons and magnificent hunting trophies. Half-day tour (starting in the morning after breakfast) with a small lunch. Minimum 15 persons. ______________________________________________________________________ Please complete and return by April 30, 1998 to: ICARIS Ltd., Conference Management Nam. Dr. Holeho 8, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic Fax: +420.2.684 08 17