Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting for 1998
J E N A M 9 8
7th European and 65th Annual Czech Astronomical Society Conference
9 - 12 September 1998, Prague, Czech Republic
Second Announcement
This is the second announcement of the Joint European and National Astronomical
Meeting for 1998 organised by the Czech and the European Astronomical Societies,
to be held in Prague, Czech Republic. The actual information on the Conference
is available through the Web pages of the Conference:
If, for any reason, you cannot visit our Web pages, please, send a
message to the secretary of SOC Zuzana Dienstbierova (address see section
24) and a copy of the first and second announcements will be forwarded
to you by other means.
Contact address:
JENAM-98, Z. Dienstbierova
Astronomical Institute
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Bocni II 1401
141 31 Prague 4 - Sporilov, Czech Republic |
Tel. +420.2.67103038
FAX: +420.2.769023
E-mail: |
Scientific Organising Committee - SOC
J. Bicak (Czech Republic),
S. Beckwith (Germany),
A. M. Cherepashchuk (Russia),
M. Fulchignoni (France),
J. Grygar (Czech Republic),
P. Heinzel (Czech Republic),
M. Huber (ESA-ESTEC),
M. Longair (United Kingdom),
J. Palous (Czech Republic, Co-chairman),
J. P. Zahn (France, Co-chairman).
Local Organising Committee - LOC
J. Borovicka, L. Cervinka (ICARIS Ltd), J. Grygar (Chairman), P. Hadrava,
P. Heinzel, J. Palous (Co-chairman), R. Placek, M. Solc, J. Vondrak, M.
Important dates:
April 30, 1998: Registration and hotel reservation deadline
April 30, 1998: Financial assistance deadline
May 31, 1998: Information on payment
June 15, 1998: Abstract submission deadline
June 15, 1998: Early payment deadline
1. General
The 7th meeting of the European Astronomical Society (EAS) will be held
in Prague, Czech Republic, jointly with the 65th annual conference of the
Czech Astronomical Society (CAS). This will be the fourth time the EAS
meets jointly with one of its affiliated societies. The Conference will
cover selected fields of astronomy and astrophysics and is open to all
astronomers who would like to interact and exchange their scientific expertise
with their European colleagues. Rapid progress in astronomy and the active
role European astronomers played in the process guarantee that important
results will be presented in Prague, a city with a rich astronomical history
going back to the middle of XIVth century, when the oldest central European
university was established there. Incidentally, Charles University of Prague
is celebrating its 650th anniversary in 1998. At the beginning of 1998
Czech astronomers will remember the centenary of their prime astronomical
facility, Ondrejov Observatory (located 35 km south-east of Prague). Thus,
the forthcoming JENAM 98 is perfectly timed to commemorate these
2. The conference site
Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, with more than 1.2 million inhabitants
is a thousand years old town, being rich since ancient times not only in
its beauty but literally in its unique history. For a thousand years, Prague
has been the seat of kings, emperors and presidents. Its atmosphere and
beauty are not given only by its location, but also by the unique joining
of the artistic monuments from various ages and by its modern life and
progressive development. Prague, the center of industrial, cultural and
scientific life, is known by its famous cultural events.
Prague is also interesting by its rich history of astronomy and physics.
The outstanding personalities are represented, for example, by Tycho Brahe
who is buried in the Tyn church in Prague, Johannes Kepler who's stay in
Prague (1600 - 1612) resulted in the discovery of the famous laws of planetary
motion, and Christian Doppler - professor of mathematics at Prague Technical
University (1835 - 1847), who formulated his well known principle in Prague.
Further, Ernst Mach (was appointed professor of experimental physics at
Prague University in 1867 and spent nearly 30 years in Prague) contributed
to the development of several parts of physics. Albert Einstein was without
any doubt the most famous physicist who worked in Prague (1911 - 1912).
In his own words he found there "the necessary concentration for giving
a more precise form to the basic idea of the general theory of relativity".
Now in Prague the dust is off the once-sleepy facades that lined the
winding, cobbled streets of Kafka's hometown. Today Prague's streets are
filled with a heady brew of long-legged students and fashion models, stockbrokers
with mobile phones and old-time Praguers slightly stunned by the changes.
And of course the thousands of tourists that wind down the Royal Way from
the Powder Tower to Prague Castle, where Kafka once met his jailers and
where today Vaclav Havel, dissident-playwright-turned-president, rules.
Just a few steps off the old beer halls where bar girls replace your empty
Pilsner without being asked and trendy new cafes where the new elite meet
to eat. The mix of young and old makes Prague Europe's hot new spot, and
it is a far cry from the dusty days before 1989, when Prague was the world's
largest living museum.
The Conference will offer you an opportunity to reveal the real beauty
of the town.
3. Conference location
The Conference will be held in the building of the Faculty of Construction
of the Czech Technical University (CVUT) in Praha 6 - Dejvice, in walking
distance from the terminal Dejvicka (Victory Circle) of the subway line
A. The area of the Conference can be reached easily from the Prague international
airport (in about 20 minutes by rather cheap and reliable public transport
and in about 15 minutes by rather expensive taxi-cabs), from all Prague
main railway stations (adjacent to subway lines) and also by car. Everybody
knows where the circular passage on Victoria Circle (Vitezne namesti in
Czech) in Dejvice is and from that place you will easily spot the campus
of the Technical University with several big parking lots. It is not very
useful to use a car in downtown congested traffic but with subway line
A you can easily reach the very centre of the town from the station Dejvicka
in 10 minutes.
The weather in the first half of September in Prague is mostly stable
with plenty of sunshine, light winds and very little rain. You may expect
maximum afternoon temperatures around 25oC while at night they
occasionally drop to 15oC. Unfortunately, the Conference halls
are not air-conditioned.
4. Plenary Sessions - Invited Speakers
Participation of the following Plenary Sessions invited speakers
has been confirmed:
F. Mirabel: Superluminal sources in the Galaxy
I. Novikov: Old and new horizons in black hole physics and astrophysics
M. A. C. Perryman: Milliarcsec astrometry: some scientific results
F. J. Pijpers: Helioseismology and new results of SOHO
F. Praderie: Euroscience: prospects for the next century
Sir Martin Rees: Gamma-ray bursts
J. Schneider: Beyond the discovered planetary systems
M. Sidlichovsky: Dynamics of asteroid belt and chaos
J. Trumper: X-ray astrophysics
5. Parallel Sessions
Contributed papers will be presented orally or as posters in the following
Parallel sessions. Please forward the abstract of your contribution
to the underlined person of the Convenors of the parallel session
and to the SOC (contact address below). The presentations can be proposed
either as oral contributed papers or as posters. Presentations submitted
but not selected as oral may be presented as posters, which will be communicated
to participants in June 1998.
Solar physics
Two main topics will be discussed:
internal structure of the Sun, solar oscillations (SOHO and GBO results),
high-energy particle (neutrino) physics, solar models and related topics
(V. Berezinski)
coronal and heliospheric plasma physics, results from SOHO and ULYSSES
missions, relation to eclipse observations (P. Heinzel)
V. Berezinski Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori
Nazionale del Gran Sasso, I-67010 - Assergi, L'Aquila (AQ), Italy
E-mail:, Tel. +39.862.437235 Fax: +39.862.410795
P. Heinzel Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic, 251 65 Ondrejov, Czech Republic
E-mail:, Tel.: +420.204.620233 Fax:
M. Huber ESA - ESTEC, Space Science Dept., Postbus 299, NL 2200
AG Nordwijk, The Netherlands
Tel.: +31.71.5653553 Fax: +31.71.5654699
Small bodies in the Solar System
The session will be devoted to the theoretical and observational aspects
of the study of small bodies in the Solar System, i. e. comets, asteroids
and meteoroids. Papers dealing with the interaction of small bodies with
planets are also accepted. A special attention will be paid to the measurements
in situ, in particular to the forthcoming Rosetta mission.
J. Borovicka Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic, 251 65 Ondrejov, Czech Republic
E-mail:, Tel.: +420.204620153 Fax: +420.204620110
M. Fulchignoni Observatiore de Paris - Section de Meudon
5, Place Jules Janssen, 92195 Meudon CEDEX, France
E-mail:, Tel.: +33.1.45077539 Fax:
Extra-solar planetary systems
The selected topics of this session are: intrinsic properties of planets,
properties of their orbits, what type of stars have planets, statistical
properties, how do planetary systems form, detection and observational
methods, near and medium term projects (with emphasis on european
M. Mayor Observatoire de Geneve, 51 Chemin des Maillettes, Ch-1290
Sauverny, Switzerland
E-mail:, Tel.: +41.22.7552611 Fax:
M. Wolf Institute of Astronomy, Charles University, V
Holesovickach 2, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
E-mail:, Tel.: +420.2.21912576 Fax:
of interacting binaries
The session will contain contributions to the analysis of various types
of interacting binary systems, like symbiotic stars cataclysmic variables,
dwarf novae, WR and X-ray binaries as well as to the theory of interacting
A. M. Cherepashchuk Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Universitetskij
prospekt 13, 119899 Moscow, Russia
E-mail:, Tel.: +7.095.9392858 Fax: +7.095.9328841}
J. Kubat Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic, 251 65 Ondrejov, Czech Republic
E-mail:, Tel.: +420.204.620127 Fax:
Dynamical studies of star clusters and galaxies
Formation of young and evolution of old star clusters and their relation
to the dynamics of parent galaxies will be discussed. Galaxy interaction,
dynamical evolution of groups and galactic nuclear activity will also be
Participants are invited to contribute 15 - 30 minute talks of their
past and on-going research. Interested scientists, not active in these
areas of research are very welcome to attend and participate in the discussions
to each contribution.
P. Kroupa Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University
of Heidelberg, Teirgartenstrasse 15, D-679121 Heidelberg, Germany
E-mail:, Tel.: +49.6221.546710
Fax: +49.6221.544221
J. Palous Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the
Czech Republic, Bocni II 1401, 141 23 Prague 4, Czech Republic
E-mail:, Tel.: +420.2.67103065 Fax: +420.2.769023
R. Spurzem Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Monchhofstrasse 12
- 14, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
E-mail:, Tel.: +49.6221.405230
Fax: +49.6221.405297
High and ultra-high energy astrophysics
In recent years, European High Energy Astrophysics has achieved significant
progress closely related to the European satellite projects such
as ROSAT and BeppoSAX. New missions are in the final stages of their
development and integration (XMM, ABRIXAS, SRG, INTEGRAL). We wish to concentrate
on these achievements and set the stage for the new opportunities to
come. In addition, we will also cover the major discoveries and developments
in our knowledge of Gamma Ray Burst Sources during the last year. Taking
into account the recent achievements in astroparticle physics (e.g.
CAT, HEGRA, WHIPPLE, EAS-TOP), we will also deal with very high energies,
up to TeV range.
We hope we will be able to discuss the recent progress - including
latest scientific results - in X-ray and gamma-ray astrophysics and to
put these results in a broader perspective of astrophysics in general.
However, we will accept also contributions from other directions of High
Energy Astrophysics and related ground-based observations. Due to very
limited time allocated to the High Energy Astrophysics session (3
or 4 blocks of 1.5 h each), we will have a few invited
(25 min each) and some contributed (15 min each) papers, while
the majority of presentations is expected to be as posters.
The planned scientific program includes the following topics:
Galactic Astronomy: X-ray binaries and other energetic stellar systems,
pulsars, novae, jet sources, black hole transients, supernovae and
remnants, galactic gamma ray sources, interstellar medium, cosmic rays
and galactic structure;
Extragalactic Astronomy: Active galactic nuclei, blazars, Seyfert
galaxies, unidentified high latitude sources, high energy background radiation;
Gamma-Ray Bursts: Recent new results, statistics, spectra, time
profiles, counterparts, afterglows, identifications, theories, soft Gamma-ray
Instrumentation and Satellites for High Energy Astrophysics: Future
requirements, new projects, new instrumentation.
J. Greiner Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16,
D-14482 Potsdam, Germany
E-mail:, Tel.: +49.331.7499.532 Fax: +49.331.7499.267
R. Hudec Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic, 251 65 Ondrejov, Czech Republic
E-mail:, Tel.: +420.204620128 Fax: +420.204620110
E. Lorenz Werner-Heisenberg-Institut, Max-Planck-Institut fur
Physik, Fohringer Ring 6, D-80805 Munich, Germany
E-mail:, Tel.: +49.89.32354241 Fax:
Relativistic astrophysics and cosmology
The Section will cover contributions on various aspects of phenomena in
which relativistic gravity plays an important role. The properties of neutron
stars, black holes and relativistic disks, and the physical and astrophysical
processes around these objects will be discussed from both theoretical
and observational point of view. An attention will be paid also to the
gravitational-wave astronomy and numerical relativity. Various aspects
of present-day cosmology as, for example, cosmological perturbation theory,
early universe, properties of microwave background radiation and gravitational
lensing will be included.
M. Abramowicz Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Goteborg
University and Chalmers Technical University, S-41296 Goteborg, Sweden
E-mail:, Tel.:+46.31.7223135 Fax: +46.31.7723204
J. Bicak Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, V Holesovickach 2, 180 00
Praha 8, Czech Republic
E-mail:, Tel.: +420.2.21912499 Fax:
6. Panel Discussions
The subjects of panel discussions and their organisers follow:
Instrumentation and Very Large Projects
F. Farnik Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic, CZ-251 65 Ondrejov, Czech Republic
E-mail:, Tel.: +420.204.620329 Fax: +420.204620110
Young Astronomers, Teaching of Astronomy & Jobs
V. Karas Institute of Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics and
Physics, Charles University, V Holesovickach 2, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
E-mail:, Tel.: +420.2.21912575 Fax:
J.-P.Zahn Observatoire de Meudon, DASGAL, 5 av. J. Janssen,
F-92195 Meudon CEDEX, France
E-mail:, Tel.: +33.1.45077859 Fax: +33.1.45077878
History of Astronomy
Some selected topics:
historical european eclipses (including e.g. the eclipse on December 24,
1601, and its charts by Johann Kepler, Egon von Oppolzer and Prague, Cassian
Hallaschka and his Elementa Eclipsium 1916, the eclipse on June 6, 1415)
astronomy at the Central European Universities
old instruments (visit in the National Technical Museum in Prague)
S. Debarbat Observatoire d'Paris, 61 avenue de l'Observatoire, 75014
Tel.: +33.1.40512209 Fax: +33.1.40512347
M. Solc Institute of Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics, Charles University, V Holesovickach 2, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech
E-mail:, Tel.: +420.2.21912573, Fax:
The guided tour through the Old Town is intended for the afternoon on Friday,
September 11. Participants will visit (in small groups) Prague meridian
on the Old Town Square, Tycho Brahe's tomb, old Jesuit college "Clementinum"
with its Observatory and Mathematical museum (1722), the old Jewish cemetery
(tombs of David Gans, friend of Tycho Brahe, and Joseph Delmedigo, pupil
of Galileo), Jan Marek Marci and his achievements in spectroscopy (dispersion
of light, 1648), astronomical clock from 1410, places in Prague connected
to stays of Johann Kepler, Christian Doppler, Ernst Mach and Albert Einstein.
8. Associated Meetings
8.1 1999 Solar Eclipse Workshop
Tuesday, September 8, 1998
8.1.1 Preliminary program
08:45 - 09:00 Opening of the Workshop
09:00 - 10:00 Invited talk
10:00 - 11:00 Oral contributions
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 - 12:30 Oral contributions
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 Invited talk
15:00 - 16:30 Oral contributions
16:30 - 17:00 Break
17:00 - 18:00 Posters
8.1.2 Publication of the abstracts and proceedings
Abstracts of the Workshop contributions will be published in a special
chapter of the JENAM 98 abstract publication and available at the registration.
We negotiate about a possibility to publish the workshop contributions.
Participants will be informed about the results.
8.1.3 Registration Form
Return the completed form The 1999 solar eclipse
workshop to the LOC address and send an e-mail copy to:
till April 30.
Invited reviews and oral/poster papers will be presented during the
Workshop, which will be held at the same facility (Prague Technical University
Campus) as the JENAM 98 conference. JENAM 98 conference fee covers also
expenses associated with this workshop.
V. Rusin Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
SK-059 60 Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia
E-mail:, Tel.: +421.969.967866 Fax: +421.969.967656
E. Markova National Astronomical Observatory, PO Box 8, CZ-542
32 Upice, Czech Republic
E-mail: Tel.: +420.439.932289 Fax:
P. Kotrc Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic, CZ-251 65 Ondrejov, Czech Republic
E-mail: Tel.: +420.204.649314 Fax: +420.204.620110
All official e-mail contacts concerning the workshop are recommended
to go through:
8.2 65th Annual Conference of the Czech Astronomical Society
Sunday, September 13, 1998
The 65th Annual Conference of the Czech Astronomical Society (CAS),
founded in 1917, will be organised in the Planetarium of Praha, where the
summary of the JENAM 98 proceedings will be given by the Czech participants
of the Scientific and Local Organising Committees to members of the Society.
In the course of this plenary meeting the Z. Kviz Award of the CAS will
be handed over to the awardee who will than deliver his/her address. The
award is given every second year to a person selected by a jury for his/her
outstanding results in the fields covered by the late Dr. Zdenek Kviz (1932
- 1993): interplanetary matter, variable star research, popularisation
of astronomy.
9. Papers and proceedings
All contributed papers will be refereed and accepted by the convenors of
individual parallel sessions. They might also negotiate the separate publication
of the full proceedings of their session.
A special booklet with abstracts of all presented contributions will
be prepared by the Scientific Organising Committee prior to the Conference
and will be distributed to all participants after arrival. Instructions
for the preparation of the camera ready abstract are given in the following
section and should be strictly followed.
The Scientific Organising Committee does not intend to published any
proceedings of the Conference afterwards.
The abstract should be submitted in a camera ready or electronic form
not later than June 15, 1998 to the underlined person of the convenors
of the parallel session and to the SOC (contact address see below).
10. Abstract Submission
10.1 Rules for Abstract Submission
Abstracts must be submitted for invited as well as for contributed papers.
Abstracts must be written in English and in the specified format. Abstracts
not fulfilling the rules may be rejected without further consideration.
Abstracts must be submitted to a specific Parallel Session. The assignment
of general contributions will be coordinated by the Scientific Organising
The Convenors may designate contributed papers to oral or poster presentation.
Convenors have also the authority of rejecting abstracts or recommending
them to a different Parallel Session.
Accepted abstracts (i) will be reproduced in the "Conference Abstracts
Book" and in the Conference WWW pages, and (ii) will be presented during
the Conference in the form and on the time assigned by the Convenors.
Important note: The abstracts must be submitted before June
15, 1998:
(a) to the Scientific Organising Committee, and
(b) to the appropriate Convenor
Abstracts submitted after this date will not be included in the "Conference
Abstracts Book".
The Local Organising Committee will appreciate submissions in electronic
form, (mainly E-mail) rather than in printed form, as this considerably
simplifies and speeds up handling.
In this case, please use the TeX/LaTeX format specified in section
If you do not have the possibility to use the electronic form, you
are, of course, welcome to submit an abstract by post. Then it must be
typed following in detail the instructions in section 10.3.
10.2 Submittal information
The following information should be submitted to both the Scientific Organising
Committee and the relevant Convenor:
Name, full address, telephone, fax and E-mail of person responsible for
Parallel Session for which your contribution is intended
Projection or other equipment required besides the standard overhead and
slide projector
Preference of oral or poster presentation. The final form will be decided
by the Convenors
Notification whether the author has applied for financial support
10.3 Instructions for Preparation of Camera-Ready Abstracts
Title should be in lower case bold type
A.B. First1, C.D. Second2 and E.F.
1 First Grouped Address
2 Second Grouped Address
Title, as well as authors and their address (author block),
should be centered. Leave one blank line after title. Authors: give
initials (with punctuation) followed by last name. Type name of authors
and address in upper and lower case letters. Underline the name of the
author who will present the paper. Leave one blank line after the author
block. Do not indent this first text paragraph.
Do not leave blank lines between text paragraphs, but indent the first
line of a new paragraph.
An abstract should not contain more than 300 words (including articles
and small words). If you work with a printer where you can select font
and size, use Times fonts with a point size 12. Neatly drawn symbols,
Greek letters, or other camera-ready characters are acceptable, but avoid
using such in the title, if at all possible. If you are submitting an abstract
in camera-ready
format, please stay within a 15.5 x 21 cm boundary (including title
and authors block). Use single spacing.
When submitting an abstract in TeX format, do not use special definitions
or macros.
Should you find the allocated space too small for what you would like
to include in the abstract, consider deleting unnecessary words. Do not
reduce font size, or line spacing.
10.4 TeX/LaTeX Pattern Text for Preparing an Abstract
(To be sent by electronic mail)
{\large\bf Title should be in lower case bold type}\\ \ \\
{A.B. First$^1$, \underline{C.D. Second$^2$} and E.F. Third$^1$}\\ \ \\
{\small $^1$ First Grouped Address}\\
{\small $^2$ Second Grouped Address}\\
Insert text of abstract here.\\
\indent Please follow the rules for abstract submission mentioned in
section 10.1\\
\indent Please follow the instructions for preparation of camera-ready
abstracts mentioned in section 10.3\\
Do not forget to provide on a separate page the submittal information
requested in section 10.2
11 Last minute posters
All interested participants are welcome to present last minute posters.
Please, inform about your intention the Co-chairman of the Scientific Organising
Committee J. Palous (address see below), however, not later than July
31, 1998.
12 Presentation of contributions
Overhead projectors as well as slide projectors will be prepared for oral
presentations of papers. Poster sessions will be arranged using poster
tables 100 cm long and 100 cm high.
13 Organisation
The Registration Office will be open at the Entrance Hall of the CVUT on
Tuesday, September 8, 1998 from 5pm to 9pm and on Wednesday, September
9, 1998 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The programme will start with an opening
ceremony on Wednesday, September 9, 1998 and will end on Saturday, September
12, 1998. On Friday, September 11, 1998, there will be a guided tour "Praga
astronomica" and a reception in the center of Prague.
14 Registration
This Conference is open to all scientists and specialists interested in
the programme of the Conference as described in this Announcement. You
may register by sending the attached Registration
Form to ICARIS Ltd., Conference Management, nam. Dr. Holeho 8, 180
00 Praha 8, Czech Republic, before April 30, 1998.
15 Registration fees
The registration fee entitles participants to attend the conference sessions
and to receive relevant Conference Materials as well as the Programme &
Abstracts Booklet. It also includes morning and afternoon refreshments
during the Conference and the informal Welcome party on Tuesday evening,
September 8, 1998.
The general registration fee is USD 120 per person and
is valid for participants who are able to realise their payment before
June 15, 1998. After June 15, 1998 this fee is increased to USD 140.
The E.A.S. Ordinary Member registration fee is USD 100
per person. This fee is valid for participants who realise their payment
before June 15, 1998. After June 15, 1998 this fee is increased to USD
The registration fee for E.A.S. Junior Members is USD 50.
After June 15, 1998 this fee is increased to USD 60.
The registration fee for PhD students (no E.A.S. Members) is
USD 80. Please apply in writing along with the Registration Form,
including a letter of recommendation from an academic supervisor by April
30, 1998. After June 15, 1998 this fee is increased to USD 100. To reduce
the fee, the PhD students may apply for membership in the EAS at the same
The registration fee for accompanying persons is USD 40
per person. This fee covers relevant conference materials, morning and
afternoon refreshments during the conference, the Welcome party, as well
as the service charge for the arrangement of the accompanying person's
programme. The service charge does not include entrance fees, theater and
concert tickets etc. After June 15, 1998 this fee is increased to USD 50.
16 Review of registration fee payments
Early Payment
(until June 15, 1998)
Late Payment
(after June 15, 1998)
General Registration |
E.A.S. Ordinary Member |
E.A.S. Junior Member |
PhD Student (no E.A.S. Member) |
Accompanying Person |
17 Payment
Participants will receive notification of the payment due, according
their Registration Forms, before May 31, 1998. The payment must
be than received by June 15, 1998 to be considered as an early payment.
Payment is in U.S. dollars (USD), other convertible currencies or Czech
crowns in the official exchange rate at the date of payment. The accepted
forms of payment are:
by international money transfer or bank transfer made directly to
the bank in Praha (Prague) quoting the name of the participant:
Bank: Bank Austria, Revolucni 15, 110 15 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Account name: ICARIS
Account number: 504 738 6011
Bank connection (Swift Code): BKAUCSPP
All payments (for the fee, accommodation and excursion) must
be free of bank charges to the receiver, i.e., all bank charges
for effecting the international money transfer must be met by the remitter,
including those imposed by the beneficiary's agents (Bank Austria,
Prague). This must be explicitly stated when authorizing the international
money transfer order.
by Visa, Eurocard/MasterCard, Diners Club and JCB. Please provide
your credit card information in the appropriate place on the Accommodation
and Payment Form which you will receive according your Registration Form
before May 31, 1998 and send this information to ICARIS Ltd., Conference
Management not later than by June 15, 1998. We point out that an
additional charge of 5% from the total sum will be required when the
payment of the conference fee, accommodation and of the excursion will
be realised using a credit card.
by cheques directed to ICARIS Ltd., Conference Management, and send
in a registered letter to ICARIS Ltd., Conference Management (address see
All payments must be received by June 15, 1998.
18 Cancellation
Notification of all cancellations must be sent in writing to the
ICARIS Ltd., Conference Management, (address, phone, fax and E-mail connections
see on the cover). Cancellations sent before July 31, 1998 will
result in a refund of the conference fee, less an administration charge
of $ 50.
Cancellations sent after July 31, 1998 will not receive a refund,
but the printed conference materials will be mailed to the non-participant.
Cancellation of the hotel booking (accommodation) before July 31,
1998 will receive a full refund, later cancellations, up to 14 days
before the conference a 70% refunding, cancellations of accommodation,
of the excursion and of the conference dinner less than 14 days before
the conference (i.e. after August 24, 1998) will not receive a refund.
It is possible to send/find a substitute instead of a cancellation.
19 Social programme & tours
The Welcome party will take place in the Atrium of the Czech Technical
University on Tuesday, September 8, 1998 at 7:30 p.m.
On Friday, September 11, 1998, there will be a guided tour "Praga Astronomica"
and a reception in the center of Prague.
Accompanying person's programme: Sight-seeing tours are planed as half-day
excursions to the Prague Castle or to the Charles Bridge including the
Old Town and the Jewish Quarter. Please fill in the corresponding information
in the Registration Form. The price for the excursions is not included
in the registration fee.
20 Accommodation
Your hotel reservation will be made according your Registration Form,
which is necessary to send to ICARIS Ltd., Conference Management (address
see below) till April 30, 1998.
Various accommodation possibilities are offered and listed in the Registration
Form. Generally, the conference site can be reached from all offered accommodation
possibilities either by tram or underground and a short walk in less than
25 minutes. From the Hotel Diplomat or Holiday Inn you are able to reach
the conference site in 10 minutes by walk. Special accommodation wishes
should be addressed to ICARIS Ltd., Conference Management, however, not
later than April 30, 1998.
Precise advice on hotel locations and instructions how to reach the
hotel as well as the conference site will be given in the Last (3rd) Announcement
which will be distributed before August 10, 1998.
21 Financial assistance
Since not enough funds are available, EAS has announced a limited number
of grants for accommodation and subsistence. These are intended for young
astronomers (age below 35 years) actively contributing to JENAM 98. The
applications will be reviewed by the Scientific Organising Committee and
convenors in collaboration with the Council of EAS. It is strongly recommended
that the applicants for financial support should try simultaneously to
find alternate sources of financial assistance. Application forms should
be delivered to SOC before April 30 1998.
22 Visa
No visas are required for visitors from the European Union and USA. For
all other countries visas are available on a mutual agreement basis. However,
it is advisable that the participants contact the Czech Embassy or Consulate
in their country to make sure for the precise procedure they have to follow
in order to get a visa.
23 Insurance
All insurance is the responsibility of participants. It is strongly recommended
that participants arrange their own health and accident insurance.
24 Conference organisation
Mailing address for scientific information:
Jan Palous
Co-Chairman of the Scientific Organising Committee (SOC)
Zuzana Dienstbierova
Astronomical Institute
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Bocni II 1401, 141 36 Prague 4
Czech Republic
Phone: +420.2.67103038
Fax: +420.2.769023
Mailing address for registration forms, accommodation payment &
organisational problems:
Conference Management
"JENAM 98"
Nam. Dr. Holeho 8
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
Phones: +420.2.683 61 00; 684 70 59; 684 43 04
Phone/Fax: +420.2.684 08 17
The forms are available here
(PostScript), here (ASCII) or in the
LaTeX file.
For printing PostScript files on non-postscript printers I recommend