Daily forecast

Data type:
JSON, Legacy format
Forecast issued date:
Issued: 2025 March 10 17:00 UTC

Analysis from March 09/1700 UTC to March 10/1700 UTC:

Sunspot Regions on the Disk 10/1430 UTC (SDO Continuum): 9
The Largest Event: C2.6 from region S10E88 at 09/1854 UT
X-ray background flux (1.0-8.0 A) March 09: B8.6
Radio Flux 10.7 cm at 09/2300 UTC (Penticton): 144
Solar Wind Speed at 10/1645 UTC: 530.6 km/s, density : 3.0 p/cm^3


Activity level will be: low - explanation
Event probabilities: Class C: 70%, Class M: 35%, Class X: 10%, Proton: 05%
X-ray background flux (1.0-8.0 A): in the range B8.0-C1.2
Radio Flux 10.7 cm: a fluctuation in the range 132-156

Karolina Knesplova
RWC Prague, Astronomical Institute, Solar Dept., Ondrejov, Czech Republic
e-mail: sunwatch(at)asu.cas.cz