Solarigraphy Meeting

In 2020 there were 20 years from the beginning of the Solarigraphy project (Solaris 2000) by Sławomir Decyk, Paweł Kula, and Diego López Calvín. It is time to look back to evaluate achievements as well as to look into the future. We would like to invite solarigraphers with any level of experience, teachers, scientists, and all interested people to participate in the meeting “Solarigraphy: Between Science, Art, and Education”. The aim is to discuss all aspects of the solarigraphy: from its roots in conceptual art and astronomy, through photographic chemical processes, different techniques, and camera types to legal aspects of the solarigraphy and the use of the solarigraphy in education and public outreach. Also, we plan to organize the participants' collective exhibition. We hope that the meeting will be a place for exchange knowledge and ideas between participants and will become a milestone in the history of the Solarigraphy project.

The official language of the Meeting will be English and Czech.

The meeting will be held in accordance with government regulations. More details will be published in the next future.

Astronomický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
Česká astronomická společnost - Sluneční sekce


Solar Department
Astronomical Institute ASCR
Fričova 242
251 65 Ondřejov
Česká republika

Important dates:
14 May 2021: announcement
5 June 2021: deadline for registration and abstract submission

A limited number of participants can be accommodated for free in Ondřejov. For further information please contact: Artem Koval, koval<at sign>

Registration form

There is no conference fee. The meeting is free of charge.

Planned sessions and topics:
solarigraphy and astronomy
solarigraphy as an art
far edge of solarigraphy
history of solarigraphy, relation to photography and painting
solarigraphy technique: camera construction, materials, fixing, mounting, paper properties, etc.
solarigraphy in education
the future of solarigraphy
solarigraphy adventures/experiences/stories

The official language of the Meeting will be English. In a justified case organizing committee can add an exception to have a talk in Czech, but the presentation must be in English.

Planned exhibition
Each participant can bring printed solarigraphs and exhibit them during the meeting. We will provide one stand with a pin board (approximately 1x1m) for use by one participant. The exhibition is planned in the corridor next to the seminary room in the observatory.

 Preliminary programme (may change):

9:00 - 12:00 lectures
12:00 lunch
13:00 lectures 2
16:00 - 16:30 exhibition opening
16:37 Analemma presentation
17:00 - 20:00 Analemma painting performance (in small groups)

Contact us:
English: Galina Motorina - motorina<at sign>
Czech: Martina Pavelková - pavelkova<at sign>
Polish: Lukasz Fajfrowski - fajfi<at sign>
Ukrainian: Artem Koval - koval<at sign>

Organizing committee:
Martina Pavelková
Łukasz Fajfrowski
Marta García Rivas
Artem Koval
Hana Kučáková
Galina Motorina
Maciej Zapiór